Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Slid in! 30 years of East Germany in a united Europe

New joint website of the Europe Direct centers in the new federal states “ Reingeschlittert! 30 Years of East Germany in a United Europe ”with interviews, podcasts and interesting facts from the individual regions!


New joint website of the Europe Direct centers in the new federal states “ Reingeschlittert! 30 Years of East Germany in a United Europe ”with interviews, podcasts and interesting facts from the individual regions!

  • Do you know ... that Saxony has four Euroregions ? Euroregions are associations of districts and municipalities
    at national internal and external borders. Four Euroregions have formed in Saxony: The Euroregions Neisse,
    Elbe / Labe, Ore Mountains and Euregion Egrensis. The aim of these regional associations is the cross-border
    To promote cooperation in the region in order to increase the competitiveness of the entire area.

Further information can be found in the press release

Ource: Europe Direct Information Center (EDIC) Dresden

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