Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

February 2025

Meanwhile in Czechia... 6/25

Lawsuits against high-speed rail line dismissed - Hejtman Půta largely acquitted - Highway tunnel temporarily closed from April - Renovation of hotel on Klínovec uncertain again - ČEZ focuses on renewables - Public participation in controversial lithium project

January 2025

Meanwhile in Czechia... 5/25

Prague to be tunneled under - 13 mammoths found in Ústí - Jan Masaryk's death to be reinvestigated - Czech transport minister in Dresden - Discussion about prestressed concrete roofs on industrial buildings - Fewer traffic fatalities in the Czech Republic - "Dry February" campaign - More Czech beer and food in Dresden

Meanwhile in Czechia... 4/25

Accused arsonist acquitted - Edmundsklamm gorge partially free again in spring - Beer exports up, beer consumption down - Czechs more satisfied with EU - Milan and Věra Kundera back in Brno

Project partner wanted for HLAVNÍ elementary school in Mojžíř - a district of Ústí nad Labem

The HLAVNÍ elementary school in Mojžíř is one of the most important educational institutions in the city of Ústí nad Labem. The school is looking for a partner in the German-Czech border region for cross-border projects.

Děčín Art Association seeks German partners

The members of the Děčín association "(STO) Z LEDU VEN" [translation "(HUNDREDS) OUT OF THE ICE"] are looking for a German partner for future joint cross-border activities.

"Žert" (The Joke) based on Milan Kundera on February 5 at Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in February, we will be showing the 1968 drama "Žert" (The Joke), based on the novel of the same name by Milan Kundera, at Zentralkino Dresden at 8 pm.

Meanwhile in Czechia... 3/25

Serious fire accident in Most - Second foreign language remains compulsory - Ancient border stone restored - Gold treasure on display in Teplice - Czech victory in Dakar Rally - Saturnin in space

Meanwhile in Czechia... 2/25

Neuer Vogelpark auf Bergbauhalde – Neue Visualisierung der Schnellbahnstrecke Dresden-Prag – Sanierung des Krankenhauses in Rumburk beginnt – Mieten in Tschechien – Tschechien importiert mehr Strom aus Deutschland

Meanwhile in Czechia... 1/25

2024 again the warmest year - Coal phase-out by 2033 - New toll prices in the Czech Republic - Czech embassy in Syria reopened - Partnership instead of marriage for all - More donor organs in the Czech Republic - President Pavel after New Year's speech at the 2025 Dakar Rally

December 2024

Czech Film Wednesday on January 1st: »Saturnin«

On New Year's Day, we will be showing the black-humored comedy "Saturnin" at 8 pm at the Zentralkino Dresden during Czech Film Wednesday.

Weekly review no. 61

Czech Republic's most beautiful Christmas tree in Schluckenau - Man not allowed to smile on ID card - Peace light from Bethlehem distributed - Living standards in Czech Republic approaching EU average - Court of Auditors criticizes use of EU funds - Germany abolishes gas transit fees - Wolf hit by car recovers - German club collects record sum - Fewer fireworks in Prague

Weekly review no. 60

Interview with Hejtman from Ústí - Ham instead of beer in Litoměřice - Few women in science - Old Fugauers wanted

PF 2025

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

(You have to open this!)

Weekly review no. 59

Onset of winter blocks roads in Ústí district - Wages in the Czech Republic to be like in Germany in four years? - New series has its premiere in Ústí - Record in the Teplice Botanical Garden - Euroregion Elbe/Labe has a new president

Ten Czech-Saxon projects approved

On Friday, November 29, 2024, the EEL Local Steering Committee (LLA) met in Ústí nad Labem.

November 2024

Weekly review no. 58

Food collection helps the needy - North Bohemian regional transport becomes more expensive - Czech-German journalism prizes awarded

Czech Film Wednesday on December 4th: »Postřižiny« (Cutting it short)

On December 4 at 8 pm we will be showing the film "Postřižiny" (Short Cut) from 1980 in OmU at Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 57

Regional forum in Liberec - interested party for Moldava railroad station - Czech Republic cuts pensions for former communists - National Park removes 640 trees in Hřensko - Christmas markets in the border region

Weekly review no. 56

Municipalities take legal action against new Prague-Dresden line - Ústí district has new leadership - DUKapka in German - New Pirate party leader with new direction

Weekly review 55

Parliament passes pension reform - Certificate for coffee roastery and best croissants - Catching carp for the festival - Shortcut for cycle tourists in Děčín

Weekly review no. 54

Verdienstmedaille für Denemarková und Rudiš – Keiner will das Bahnhofsgebäude in Moldava

October 2024

Czech Film Wednesday on November 6: »Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera« (Lemonade-Joe or A horse opera)

In combination with Czech Film Wednesday and Czech-German Culture Days, we will be showing this ŠVUNK-full western parody with many absurd elements and plenty of music on November 6 at 8 pm at Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 53

Czech-German Cultural Days open - Babiš not a Stasi informer after all? - New Czech ambassador in Berlin - Czech national holiday on Monday

Weekly review 52

Three-party coalition in Ústí region - Bohemian Switzerland reports eight wolf cubs so far - National Bank branch in Ústí suspends cash services - Renovation of Beneš Bridge to start later

Weekly review no. 51

Rosa Loy & Neo Rauch in Liberec - 2022 forest fire procedure delayed - High unemployment in Ústí region

Weekly review no. 50

Highway toll sticker becomes more expensive - Pirates leave, Foreign Minister stays - Czech Republic prevents EU resolution on Middle East ceasefire - Škoda presents new electric SUV - Poor apple harvest ends

September 2024

Weekly review no. 49

ANO wins the elections in the Ústí district - Clearing of Edmund's Gorge begins - Search for a name

Czech Film Wednesday on October 2nd: »Krakatit«

On September 4 at 8 p.m., we will be showing the 2014 film "Osmy" (Eighth) in OmU at Zentralkino Dresden.

Results of the Ústí nad Labem 2024 district elections

Regional elections were held across the Czech Republic on September 20 and 21. Here are the results:

Weekly review no. 48

Czech Republic after the floods - Castle Hill in Varnsdorf reopened - Czech Commissioner for Development Aid - District and Senate elections

Info evening on project funding on September 23

On 23.09.24 we are holding an information evening in Dippoldiswalde to promote German-Czech projects.

Seven approved Czech-Saxon projects

On 13.9.2024, funding was approved for seven Czech-Saxon projects from the Elbe/Labe Euroregion's small project fund.

Weekly review no. 47

Czech Republic prepares for floods - President shows off crown jewels - Czech Republic ahead of regional elections - Cities and municipalities with record surpluses - October 12 will be Samizdat Day

Weekly review no. 46

Tscheche wird EU-Kommissar für Energie – Nationalpark fällt Bäume in der Edmundsklamm – Straße in Hřensko wieder frei – Durchschnittslohn steigt

State election 2024 in Saxony

The CDU has won the state election in Saxony. It finished just ahead of the AfD, which became the second strongest party.

August 2024

Weekly review no. 45

Aerial bomb keeps refinery on tenterhooks - Road closure due to boulder in Hřensko - Czech willingness to donate to Ukraine increases - Křešice is village of the year in Ústí district - School begins

Czech Film Wednesday on September 4: »Osmy« (Eighth)

On September 4 at 8 p.m., we will be showing the 2014 film "Osmy" (Eighth) in OmU at Zentralkino Dresden.

New General Consul in Dresden

Ms. Ivona Valhová will take up her post as Consul General in the state capital Dresden on 2 September.

Weekly review no. 44

Remembering 1968 - Postal voting for Czechs living abroad - Renewed imperial view - Czech Republic expects a good hop harvest - Taking part in the mountain meadow camp

Weekly review no. 43

Disappointment over Czech Olympic record - Olympic festival ends in Most - K¨ängurus escape from prison - Czech embassy to be renovated - ANO party nominates new top candidate in Ústí district

Open-air cinema in Markersbach on Friday, station festival in Dubí and Border Beech Festival in Cínovec on Saturday

On Friday, "Občanský průkaz" (Identity Card) will be shown open air in Markersbach. On Saturday there is a big station festival at Dubí station and the Border beech festival in Zinnwald.

Weekly review no. 42

Bribery scandal shakes northern Bohemia - Coal-fired power plant near Most to be closed - Joy over falcon offspring - Algae in bathing lakes

Czech Film Wednesday on August 7: »Probuzení« (Awakening)

On August 7 at 8 pm we will be showing the film "Probuzení" (Awakening) from 1959 in OmU at Zentralkino Dresden.

July 2024

Applications for small projects with an unverifiable number of participants

We are pleased to announce that as of today, July 19, 2024, our application system for projects with a non-verifiable number of participants will be activated!

Projects for the general public

Encounter projects with an unverifiable number of participants

Weekly review no. 41

Former Hejtman competes again - 10 years of the National Park Railway celebrated - Sculpture exhibition on July 27 in Řehlovice - Germany not so unpopular with the Czechs

Annual pass for Schlösserland Sachsen on offer for just 48 euros

The schlösserlandKARTE for 1 year, which gives you free admission to 40 castles, palaces, gardens, parks, monasteries etc. in Saxony, is currently available for just 48 euros (instead of 60).

Weekly review no. 40

Major step forward for the Ore Mountains protected area - Population decline in the Czech Republic - Krupka closes Kyšperk castle ruins - Building permit in 30 days - Sokol Congress celebrates in Prague

10 years of the Sebnitz-Dolní Poustevna link will be celebrated on July 5

The anniversary of the closing of the gap will be celebrated at the stations in Sebnitz and Dolní Poustevna, including a special train from Prague.

June 2024

Czech Film Wednesday on July 3: »Marečku, podejte mi pero!« (Marecek, pass me the pen!)

On July 3 at 8 pm, we will be showing the film "Marečku, podejte mi pero!" (Marecek, pass me the pen!) from 1976 at Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 39

Bezirk Ústí stimmt Schnellbahntrasse zu – Neuer tschechischer Botschafter in Berlin – Stabile Brutzahlen bei Wanderfalken – Umfrage: Mehrheit für Dosenpfand – Wenzelsplatz erhält künftig Tram

35th General Assembly of the Labe Euroregion

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the 35th meeting of the General Assembly of the Voluntary Association of Municipalities of the Labe Euroregion took place at the Municipality of Ústí nad Labem.

Another 15 Czech-Saxon projects approved

The 3rd meeting of the Local Steering Committee of the Small Projects Fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe took place on Friday, June 21, 2024.

Weekly review no. 38

2 Mrd. Dollar für Chipfabrik in Tschechien – Bezirk Liberec will Berghotel Jeschken sanieren – Präsident Pavel auf Besuch in Nordböhmen – Biertrinker sollen wertvolle Grablege retten – Museum Česká Lípa übernimmt Heimatarchiv Waldkraiburg – Zukunftsfonds bewilligt deutsch-tschechische Projekte

Weekly review no. xx

A lesson to be learned in the Czech Republic too – exchanging old crowns ends up in banks – Ústí district attracts filmmakers as a film location – specialist conference on “homesick tourism” of displaced persons in Teplice

Temporary shutdown of the online application system in the Small Projects Fund from 9 to 16 July

From 9 to 16 July 2024, the online application system of the Small Projects Fund in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion will be temporarily shut down.

Results of the 2024 European elections - Ústí District
Weekly review no. 36

Schweres Zugunglück fordert vier Tote – In Tschechien wird bereits gewählt – Krupka saniert St.-Wolfgang-Kapelle – Neue Attraktionen am Milada-See – Neue Züge zwischen Děčín und Rumburk

May 2024

Weekly review no. 35

Czech Republic is ice hockey world champion – garrison towns receive funding – border controls are extended – gas transit fees are abolished – financing of the Beneš Bridge is clarified

»»Rok ďabla«« (The Year of the Devil) on June 5 at Czech Film Wednesday

The extraordinary and award-winning film about well-known Czech musicians will be shown on June 5th at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden.

Night of the Churches in Czechia on June 7

On the Night of Churches on June 7, 1,757 churches and prayer houses throughout the Czech Republic will be open.

Weekly review no. 34

Spektakuläre Kunst am Prager Kaufhaus Máj – Kleiner E-Auto-Boom in Tschechien – 60. Beethoven-Festival in Teplice – Präsident Pavel leicht verletzt nach Motorradunfall – Teplice zeigt Ausstellung über den Hohnsteiner Kasper – Neue Elbfähre zum Kult-Freibad

Weekly review no. 33

Partial confession in arson trial – Wolfsberg Tower reopened – Police report more violations in motorway tunnel – Ústí Museum wins prize

Discussion on the status of German-Czech cooperation on May 27 in Dresden

On May 27th from 1 p.m. a panel discussion will take place in the Dresden Environmental Center under the title "20 years of joint projects: Where is Czech-German cooperation heading?"

Weekly review no. xx

Czech Republic closes first open-cast mine – Trains to Krupka soon to return – Chemnitz christens tram "Ústí nad Labem" – Ice Hockey World Championship starts in Czech Republic

Weekly review no. 31

Hřensko's new mayor wants to close border huts – Jeschken cable car to be extended – Pirna students translate fate of a Winton child – Steinmeier and von der Leyen in Prague

April 2024

Conference about displaced persons, (homesick) tourists and 'new settlers' on June 9-11 in Teplice

Together with the German Society, we invite you to a conference on displaced persons in the GDR, their "homesick tourism" to their old homeland in Czechoslovakia and their encounters with "new settlers" there from 9 to 11 June in Teplice.

Weekly review no. 30

New location for Czech lithium production – Roma memorial opened – Žatec wins title of “Historic City of the Czech Republic” – New Elbe bridges for pedestrians and cyclists

»Obecná škola« (The Elementary School) on May 1st at Czech Film Wednesday

On May 1st, the day of love (and not work!) in the Czech Republic, we will be showing the wonderful feel-good film »Obecná škola« (The Elementary School) by father and son Svěrák at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 29

100 years of the Erzgebirge Theatre in Teplice – Interest in the European Union is growing in the Czech Republic – High-speed rail line: decision in June – Whooping cough wave in northern Bohemia

Kick-off conference of the German-Czech project "Neighbouring language from the start!"

Immerse yourself in the neighboring language spa at the joint project launch on April 29, 2024 in Ústí nad Labem and find out exactly what is planned in this project.

Weekly review no. 28

Ústí District modernizes Rumburk Hospital – Děčín acquires electric buses – Unemployment highest in Northern Bohemia – The Bystroň affair and the Czech newspaper Deník N

Eight German-Czech projects receive funding

Today, funding for eight German-Czech projects from the small projects fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe was approved.

Weekly review no. 27

Česká Kamenice has an astronomical clock again – Construction of the Eger cycle path begins – German-language tours of the Ústí Zoo – Day without rushing

March 2024

»Bílá nemoc« on April 3rd at Czech Film Wednesday

The 1937 film “Bílá nemoc” (The White Disease) used the example of a fictional dictatorship to draw attention to the dangers of fascism.

Weekly review no. 26

Giant Easter egg in Jablonné v Podještědí - Start of the tourist railway season - Easter riding in Mikulášovice - NGOs criticize the housing situation in Prague

Weekly review no. x

Präsident Petr Pavel zu Besuch in Dresden – Ausstellung des Reliquienschatzes des Prager Veitsdoms im Lipsiusbau – Ústí verabschiedet legendäre Škoda-Obusse – Filmfestival »Jeden svět« gestartet – Mehr Zugverbindungen nach Prag – Sanierte Synagoge in Žatec eröffnet – Tschechische Literatur in Leipzig

Filmfestival "One World" also in Ústí und Děčín

The human rights film festival “Everyone Svět” will take place in Ústí nad Labem until March 23rd and in Děčín from April 10th to 13th.

Now also in German: Video about Edmund's gorge and Gabriela's path

German subtitles make the interesting video understandable even without knowledge of the Czech language.

Weekly review no. 24

Edmundsklamm closed for another three years - Děčín Zoo car-free for three months - Czech Republic celebrates 25 years of NATO membership - Discontent between Prague and Bratislava

Circulation procedure No.1

On March 4, 2024, circulation procedure No. 1 took place in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion.

Weekly review no. 23

Vorerst keine RegioJet-Züge nach Prag – Bischofsweihe in Litoměřice – Tschechien stärkt Deutsch – Sowjetdenkmal muss weichen