Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Wanderexpress Bohemica and Letní kometa will run also in the next years

The Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe and the Ústecký kraj have confirmed that the regional trains between Dresden and the Czech Republic will continue to operate in the future.


The train Wanderexpress Bohemica runs from April to October on weekends and public holidays between Dresden and Litoměřice (Leitmeritz), the Letní kometa (also known as Vánocní kometa during the Christmas season) between Ústí nad Labem and Dresden, each morning one way and back in the afternoon. Both are important connections for weekend getaways.

The corresponding contracts expire in December. According to a report in the newspaper Dresdner Neuste Nachrichten today, however, both sides have committed to continuing the offer to the same extent over the next few years. In view of rising costs, this is not a matter of course.

In the medium term (i.e. after 2025), the Ústecký kraj is aiming for an additional connection by extending an express train from Prague via Ústí n.L. to Dresden. However, the necessary financing is still open, as is the available capacity in the Elbe valley.

Source: Dresdner Neuste Nachrichten from June 20th, 2023, p. 16 (also online )

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