Euroregion Elbe/Labe

About us

Goals and tasks

The overall aim of the work of the Elbe/Labe Euroregion is to make the border between Germany and the Czech Republic no longer acts as a border. It is a barrier in many respects, even though the membership of both countries in the European Union has removed many obstacles. What essentially remains are the language barrier, mental hurdles and structural differences. The Euroregion is working to reduce these.

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Euroregion Elbe/Labe was found on June 24th, 1992. This founding act was preceded by the constitution of two municipal organisations, the then "Klub Euroregion Labe" (today: municipal association Euroregion Labe) on Czech side and the "Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion Oberes Elbtal / Osterzgebirge e.V." on German side.

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Members of Euroregion on the German side are the County of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, the City of Dresden and the cities of Pirna and Dipoldiswalde. On Czech side 66 municipalities form the Euroregion Labe. That's about half of all municipalities in the area of the Euroregion. Some municipalities in the former counties, which formed the Euroregion, are members of neighbouring euroregions.

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Expert groups

The expert groups of the Elbe/Labe Euroregion are the backbone of the cross-border work. They comprise Czech and German experts from administrations and other institutions on various topics and meet several times a year on both sides of the border. During these meetings they exchange information on current work priorities, establish networks and plan joint projects.

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The Euroregion Elbe/Labe is formed by two separate legal entities, the Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge e.V. on the German side and the Svazkem obcí Euroregion Labe on the Czech side. The EUROREGION ELBE/LABE has a number of committees and expert groups. Some of them belong to the two municipal associations separately, others are joint bodies.

Click on the names of the committees to see a list of their members.

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The Euroregion Elbe/Labe has two offices in Dresden and in Ústí nad Labem, managed by the managing directors of the two municipal associations.

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