Welcome to the Euroregion Elbe/Labe!
It's back: the small project fund in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion for the promotion of German-Czech projects. Compared to the past, a few things have changed this time, in most cases for the better. In addition, the Euroregion has introduced a special project service that makes it easier to use the small project fund. We would like to inform interested parties about this.
The target group of the event are representatives of associations, schools and daycare centers, public administration and other institutions that want to carry out such projects.
You can get an overview of the Small Projects Fund in advance on our website.
When: on 23.09.2024 from 6 pm
Where: Dippoldiswalde town hall, council chamber
To plan seating capacity, please register in advance on the event page.
Further information and pre-registration
(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)
The Local Steering Committee is the body that decides on funding applications for the Elbe/Labe Euroregion Small Projects Fund. At its meeting on 13.09.2024 in Litoměřice, it approved seven project applications, one was rejected. The individual projects and the funding amounts can be found in the overview.
To the overview of the projects dealt with
The Small Projects Fund is funded by the European Union via the INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic program.
(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)
Czech Republic prepares for floods
Meteorologists are expecting masses of rain similar to those in the flood years 1997 and 2002 in the Czech Republic this weekend. In 1997, the country had to contend with a flood in Moravia, which turned into the Oder flood in Germany days later. In 2002, the Bohemian part of the country was affected. As in Germany, the Elbe reached record levels.
It could be the same this time. The masses of water are mainly raining down over the Jeseníky Mountains. Heavy rain is also expected in the Krkonoše Mountains. The Jeseníky Mountains drain into the Morava and the Oder, the Krkonoše into the Elbe. However, rainfall is forecast for the whole of the Czech Republic. According to the Hydrometeorological Institute, water levels are rising rapidly due to the rain that started on Friday. The water levels were already high anyway because the dams were releasing more water to hold back the floodwaters. In Ústí nad Labem, the first flood warning level is expected for Saturday afternoon. This corresponds to a water level of 4.50 meters. 24 hours later, the mark for the third warning level of 6 meters is expected to be exceeded. However, the fourth level for extreme flooding (10.85 meters) is unlikely to be reached.
At the same time, the Hydrometeorological Institute assumes that the consequences will be less dramatic than in 1997 and 2002. The overall weather situation is more favorable today, as the heavy rainfall will hit soils and reservoirs that are ready to absorb it after the dry weeks. The situation could only become dramatic in the mountains because less water can be retained there.
In addition, the Czech Republic has invested over 1 billion euros in flood protection measures over the past 22 years. The effect of these measures was already evident during the Elbe floods in 2013. "This time, we have a three-day head start compared to the floods 20 years ago," Agriculture Minister Marek Výborný told the daily newspaper Hospodářské noviny.
At the same time, the Czech Republic now also has a better warning system. The authorities actively communicate with residents via text messages, apps and village radios. Residents, in turn, can quickly report disaster situations such as fallen trees via photos in apps.
The president shows off the crown jewels
They have an air of mystery about them. The Bohemian crown jewels are only displayed on special occasions. Seeing them is a bit like traveling to Mecca. Every inhabitant of the Czech Republic should have seen them at least once in their life. In a few days it will be that time again. From September 17 to 30, the crown jewels will be on display at Prague Castle (Hradcany) on the occasion of the feast day of St. Wenceslas (September 28). The Wenceslas crown, orb and sceptre will be on display daily from 9 am to 5 pm in the Vladislav Hall in the Old Royal Palace. Admission is free, but long queues are expected. On September 19 and September 26 until 1 p.m., the exhibition is reserved for school groups only. On September 16, the crown jewels will be moved from the Crown Chamber of St. Vitus Cathedral to the Vladislav Hall. All seven holders of the keys must come together for the opening of the Crown Chamber. In addition to the President, they include the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Prague.
There is hopeful news for all those who cannot make it to the crown jewels this time. While the crown jewels were previously only displayed on special occasions, President Petr Pavel plans to display them regularly once a year.
Czech Republic ahead of regional elections
In the Czech Republic, the regional parliaments will be re-elected on September 20 and 21. In addition to regional priorities and special features, the elections are also seen as a mood test for the national elections, which will take place next fall. In nationwide polls, the ANO party of former Prime Minister Andrej Babiš is clearly in the lead. His party is also considered to have the best chances in the districts. Whether it will actually win in all districts is still questionable. It is also questionable whether ANO will then be involved in the district governments. According to the Kantar polling institute, ANO has the least chance of being involved in the district leadership in the Liberec district, where the mayoral party of the incumbent district governor Martin Půta is traditionally strong.
In the Ústí district, however, ANO is the favorite. The district is traditionally a stronghold of the Babiš party. This also applies after the ANO lead candidate Marek Hrabáč was involved in a corruption scandal and was replaced by the former environment minister Richard Brabec. Brabec is considered a close confidant of party leader Andrej Babiš. The question is whether ANO can repeat its result of just under 26%. Without the affair, ANO's chances would have been well over 30 percent.
Behind ANO, the right-wing populist SPD, the liberal-conservative ODS (Civic Party) and the mayors (STAN) are considered to have the best chances of entering parliament. However, they are likely to finish well behind ANO. The alliances Lepší sever (Better North) led by the mayor of Most, Jan Paparega, and Stačilo! led by the former captain Oldřich Bubeníček also have a good chance of getting over the 5 percent hurdle. It could be close for the Spojenci pro kraj (Allies for the District - coalition of Christian Democrats, Liberals and Greens) and the Pirates.
An alliance of ANO, ODS and Spojenci pro kraj has governed the Ústí district for four years.
At the same time, a third of the senators in the Czech upper house are also elected.
Cities and municipalities with record surpluses
Budget holes, austerity programs. What makes politicians in German cities and municipalities despair are foreign words for many Czech municipalities. This year, together with the districts, they are once again reporting record surpluses. At the end of the first half of the year, they totaled 82 billion crowns (the equivalent of around 3.3 billion euros). 220 cities and municipalities and several districts contributed to the surplus. The surpluses are partly parked at the Czech National Bank as term deposits against interest on savings. The Czech government uses the relatively low interest rate to pay off its national debt at low cost.
Critics complain that the money would be better invested. Other voices are calling for a redistribution of taxes. This is because both the districts and the municipalities are financed from the tax equalization of the state budget. The state therefore collects most of the taxes and returns them to the districts and municipalities as part of the regional tax distribution. However, a change in tax distribution is not foreseeable. The necessary two-thirds majority is lacking in parliament.
October 12 becomes Samizdat Day
The Czech parliament has designated October 12 as Samizdat Day. This is to commemorate the independent publishing activities during the communist era, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, the works of many writers were not allowed to be published. They were therefore distributed in small editions by Samizdat. One of the best-known self-publishers was Edice Petlice by dissident and writer Ludvík Vaculík.
The production of this newsletter is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.
(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)
Tschechischer Minister wird Energie-Kommissar
Noch ist es inoffiziell. Aber wie die Tageszeitung Die Welt diese Woche berichtete, hat sich Tschechien offenbar mit seinem Wunsch-Kandidaten und dem Wunsch-Ressort in der neuen EU-Kommission durchgesetzt. Demnach habe Ursula von der Leyen den Industrieminister Jozef Síkela für den Posten des EU-Kommissars für Energie vorgeschlagen. Endgültig werden die Mitglieder der Kommission nach einer Anhörung vom EU-Parlament bestätigt. Tschechien hatte von Anfang an Ansprüche auf das Energieressort angemeldet und auch eine klare Vorstellung, wer dies besetzen sollte. Der Aufforderung von der Leyens, auch eine weibliche Kandidatin zu benennen, kam die Regierung nicht nach, sondern blieb bei Síkela.
Dieser hat als Industrieminister wiederholt betont, dass für Tschechien Innovationen vor allem in Verbindung mit dem Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien und anderer emissionsarmer Energiequellen entscheidend sind. Mit Síkela bekäme die Kommission aber auch einen Vertreter eines Landes, das weiter auf Atomkraft als emissionsarme Energiequelle setzt. Bei erneuerbaren Energien ist in Tschechien noch viel Luft nach oben. Während der Ausbau von Photovoltaikanlagen in den letzten Jahren wieder an Schwung gewonnen hat, ist die Windkraftnutzung rudimentär. Außerdem bemüht sich Tschechien um den Ausbau der Wasserstoffnutzung. Hier leidet das Land aber darunter, dass bislang Wasserstoff, der nicht aus erneuerbarer Energie stammt, nicht von der Europäischen Union gefördert wird.
Síkela gehört der tschechischen Regierung für die Bürgermeisterpartei (STAN) an. Der 57-jährige ist ein politischer Seiteneinsteiger, dessen Karriere erst relativ kurz vor den letzten Parlamentswahlen 2021 begann. Der erfahrene Banker, der lange in führenden Positionen der österreichischen Erste-Bank-Gruppe tätig war, spricht fließend Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Russisch.
Nationalpark fällt Bäume in der Edmundsklamm
Die Nationalparkverwaltung der Böhmischen Schweiz lässt in den kommenden Wochen mindestens 70 Bäume fällen. Dabei handele es sich um eine Hochwasserschutzmaßnahme, so die Erklärung aus der Nationalparkverwaltung. Gefällt werden Bäume, die durch Trockenheit oder Borkenkäfer so weit geschädigt sind, dass sie auf den Weg in der Edmundsklamm oder direkt in den Fluss Kamenice fallen könnten. Bei Starkregen oder langanhaltenden Niederschlägen könnten die umgestürzten Bäume in der Kamenice zur Bedrohung für die Gemeinde Hřensko werden.
„Auf die Baumfällaktion haben sich der Nationalpark, die Gemeinde Hřensko und der zuständige Flussbetrieb Ohře geeinigt“, teilt Nationalparksprecher Tomáš Salov mit. Aktuell holt der Nationalpark Angebot für die Baumfällarbeiten ein.
Die Edmundsklamm ist seit dem verheerenden Waldbrand im Sommer 2022 wegen möglicher Gefahren durch Baum- oder Felsbruch für Besucher gesperrt.
Straße in Hřensko wieder frei
Seit Freitagnachmittag ist die Straße in Hřensko wieder frei. Die Sperrung war wegen eines instabilen Felsens nötig geworden. Seit Montag arbeitete eine Firma an der Stabilisierung des Sandsteinfelsens. Dabei wird der Felsblock mit einem Stahlnetz gesichert und im Felsen verankert. Laut der Bezirksstraßenverwaltung wurden Netze am Freitag festgezogen.
Ab Nachmittag konnte dann der Verkehr wieder rollen. Die Sperrung betraf die Straße im Ort links des Flüsschens Kamenice. Damit war die Zufahrt zu den Parkplätzen im hinteren Teil des Ortes sowie nach Mezní Louka oder Janov nur mit großen Umwegen möglich. Die Straße an der Elbe von Schmilka nach Děčín war von der Sperrung nicht betroffen.
Reallohnzuwächse in Tschechien
Das durchschnittliche Bruttomonatsgehalt ist im zweiten Quartal dieses Jahres in Tschechien kräftig um 6,5 Prozent gestiegen. Da die Verbraucherpreise nur um 2,6 Prozent zulegten, stiegen die Gehälter real im Schnitt um 3,9 Prozent. Das durchschnittliche Bruttomonatsgehalt lag im zweiten Quartal bei 45.854 Kronen (ca. 1.834 Euro) und damit um knapp 2.800 Kronen höher als im gleichen Zeitraum 2023.
Während sich die seit 2022 hohe Inflation abschwächte, konnten hohe Lohnzuwächse die Reallohnverluste der letzten Jahre etwas ausgleichen. Das Gehaltsniveau in den Regionen unterscheidet sich allerdings deutlich von dem in der Hauptstadt Prag. Im Bezirk Ústí lag das Durchschnittsgehalt mit 42.801 Kronen (1.712 Euro) noch weit unter dem landesweiten Wert.
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The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance achieved a double-digit result from a standing start and could even become part of a new government.
The previous coalition partners, the Greens and the SPD, are also represented in the state parliament again. 31.9 percent of voters gave it their second vote. The AfD, classified as far-right by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, came second with 30.6%. The BSW achieved a double-digit result on its first attempt with 11.8%.
According to preliminary results, the SPD (7.3%) and the Greens (5.1%) made it into the state parliament. The Left Party (4.5 percent) and FDP (0.9 percent) failed to clear the five percent hurdle.
(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)
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