Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Further information

Here we give various recommendations on how to further inform yourself about the Saxon-Czech border region, about Germany and the Czech Republic and about the relations of both countries and their people.

Non-fiction books

Regional Caritas Šluknov (2021): A guest of the Roma in Šluknov

Recipes and life memories of an often marginalized ethnic group

Jitka Tůmová (2021): The way of life in the region below the Kaltenberg throughout time

Vivid depiction of life in two villages below Studenec (Kaltenberg) in former times

Bohuslava Chleborádová (ed. 2020): Art in Need!?

About the activity of the Fine Arts Section of the Teplice-Šanov Museum Society in the years 1932-1938.

Zuzana Vařilová (2020): Geology of Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland.
Lorenz, Formánková (2018): The Political System of the Czech Republic

Czech government system, society, parties and media as well as selected policy fields

Kořalka (2018): Czechs and Germany in the long 19th century

Studies on the mutual relationships 1800 - 1918

Initiativa pro Děčínský zámek (2012): Castles in the Saxon-Bohemian border region

Detailed descriptions of 30 castles on the Bohemian and 27 on the Saxon side

Atlas of the ELBE/LABE Euroregion
Atlas of the ELBE/LABE Euroregion

Atlas Euroregionu ELBE / LABE jako prostředek vzájemného přeshraničního poznávání
Milan Jeřábek, Hartmut Kowalke, Tomáš Oršulák a kol.

Fiction books

Schwarz (2019): My way to our Germans

Ten well-known Czechs write about their relations with the Germans from their own personal point of view.


Generation "N": Czech German

Documentary film about the lives of four "Czech Germans"

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