Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Expert groups

The expert groups of the Elbe/Labe Euroregion are the backbone of the cross-border work. They comprise Czech and German experts from administrations and other institutions on various topics and meet several times a year on both sides of the border. During these meetings they exchange information on current work priorities, establish networks and plan joint projects.

The expert groups exist since the very foundation of Euroregion Elbe/Labe. In 2015 they have been restructured and given a yearly budget for own projects. Today there are the following thematic expert groups:

  • culture, tourism, recreation
  • economy, science, education
  • spatial development
  • Civil protection and rescue services
  • Social affairs, youth, sport
  • Environment and nature conservation
  • Traffic

The last two groups of experts have a virtual character, i.e. they do not meet regularly, but exchange information through different channels as required.

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