Euroregion Elbe/Labe

145. Swiss Sandstone - Release for April 2022 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

what's new


what's new


1 experience – boat trip on the Elbe

2 Start of the 2022 summer season with bus - ferry - Kirnitzschtalbahn

3 From carrot beds to fortress forest – new special exhibition at Königstein Fortress

4 Congratulations, Yellowstone!

5 30 years of landscape maintenance with black "Scots" in Saxony's only national park

6 Emergency aid for Ukrainian protected areas

7 Kahn Ahoy! The Obere Schleuse in Hinterhermsdorf starts the season

8 The Gottleubatal Panoramaweg

9 Landgasthof Ziegelscheune in Krippen – tradition for the love of hospitality

10 Mowing for Biodiversity

11 The most beautiful and fastest planting ever!

12 Tourism Round Table – Presentation of the “Dynamic Traffic and Parking Guidance System” concept

13 Explore the Kirnitzsch Valley and the panorama villages with the hiking buses

14 A good example of sustained perseverance and good timing!

15 recipe of the month

16 appointments and events


Newsletter for download

Source: Joint initiative by the Sachsenforst state enterprise, Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration and the Landschaf(f)t Zukunft e. V

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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