Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

December 2023

Weekly review no. 13

Tschechien im Schock – Elbe-Pegel steigen – Berghütte Lovoš findet neuen Betreiber

Bohemian Christmas mass by the composer Jakub Jan Ryba.

The Bohemian Christmas Mass (Czech Česká mše vánoční ) is the best-known work by the Bohemian composer Jakub Jan Ryba . It is also known by the opening verse Hej mistře and popularly as Rybovka .

Weekly review no. 12

National park railway runs for another 10 years - Děčín builds maternity hospital - To the Christmas market in the Czech Republic - Ústí district loses residents - Czech Republic's economy is shrinking significantly

Weekly review no. 11

Bohemian glass craft receives UNESCO title - Germany extends border controls - cross-country ski trails and slopes prepared

Weekly review no. 10

First German-Czech Regional Forum – School strike and doctors’ protest in the Czech Republic –
The route of the new Dresden-Prague line should be determined next year

November 2023

»Český sen« (The Czech dream) on Dec. 6th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in December at 8 p.m. in the Central Cinema we are showing the somewhat mean documentary satire "Český sen" (The Czech Dream) from 2004 as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Fond malých projektů EEL 2023-2028

This means that you will have to pay for the financing of the Fondu malých project EEL in 2023-2028.

Weekly review no. 9

Deutsche Bahn chose full tunnel option - Edmundsklamm will remain closed in 2024 - RegioJet replaces České dráhy in Ústí regional traffic - Trekking huts for the Ore Mountains - Million-dollar projects for the Saxon-Czech border area

Digitální Kulturní pas EEL - léto 2022

V současné době je Kulturní pas EEL dispozici nově dostupný v mobilní aplikaci Uneeqly. Cesta k získání Kulturního pasu se tak nyní značně zjednodušila.

Ausstellungseröffnung "Madonna auf Wanderschaft" am 24.11. in Dresden

Die Ausstellung zur Fürstenauer Madonna ist ab dem 24. November bis zum 7. Januar in der Dresdner Kreuzkirche zu sehen.

Weekly review no. 8

Educational agreement for bilingual high school - New town partners Dohna and Chlumec - Does a wildcat live in Bohemian Switzerland? - Karel Schwarzenberg passed away

Weekly review no. 7

Shift factory receives monument status - Kyjov dam is renovated - forest arsonist charged

Weekly review no. 6

Czech National Day – Shift exhibition in the Senate – TDKT opens

Exhibition “Czech Heroines” will take place on November 2nd. opened

The exhibition "Czech Heroines - Important Women of Czech History and Present" will be on view from November 2, 2023 to January 11, 2024 in the Dresden Cultural City Hall.

October 2023

“Banger” on November 1st at Czech Film Wednesday

On November 1st A current film at Film Wednesday: "Banger", a hard film in the drug and rap milieu of Prague, shot with an iPhone.

Weekly review no. 5

Czech National Day – Shift exhibition in the Senate – TDKT opens

Weekly review no. 4

Stationary border controls - Bust for August the Strong - Teplice modernizes cultural center - New podcast: Czech Republic six times

Weekly review no. 3

German gravestones in the rose garden - buses instead of ECs - tourist club buys Wolfsberg property

September 2023

Exhibition “Madonna on the Move” from October 6th. in Krupka

The eventful history of an altar between Saxony and Bohemia can be seen in the municipal library in Krupka from October 6th to November 16th.

Weekly review no. 2

Žatec is a world heritage site - Ústí district is recruiting doctors - Ore Mountains nature reserve is being planned

»Příběhy obyčejného šílenství« on Oct. 4th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

The film is called “Příběhy obyčejného šílenství” (Stories of Everyday Madness), but that was too long for the title. This somewhat absurd comedy runs on October 4th. at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden in the “Czech Film Wednesday” series.

Weekly review no. 1

Žatec is a world heritage site - Ústí district is recruiting doctors - Ore Mountains nature reserve is being planned

Culinary delights at Kuckuckstein Castle

At the weekend, Kuckuckstein Castle in Liebstadt invites you to taste and linger for two days.

Voting for viewer's choice movie has started

Voting for the desired film, which will be shown on December 6th at Czech Film Wednesday, will run until the end of September.

August 2023

»Akumulátor 1« on Sept. 6th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in September at 8 p.m. in the central cinema we will be showing the imaginative action comedy »Akumulátor 1« from 1994 as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Albert Schweitzer organ concert on 16.9. in Děčín

Organ concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer's visit to Tetschen (Děčín)

July 2023

»Světáci« on 02.08. at the Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in August, we will show the fast-paced comedy "Světáci" from 1969 at 8 p.m. in the Central Cinema as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Exhibition "Madonna on the hike" from July 25th in Dubí

On July 25th at 5 p.m. the exhibition "Madonna on the hike" about the Fürstenau Madonna altar will open in the "Blue Blood Museum" in Dubí. She will stay there until September 21st.

Historical atlas of the Euroregion available again

A few copies of the popular atlas with historical maps of Bohemia, Saxony and above all the area of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe are available again.

3rd Care4Nature Camp in the Erzgebirge from 14 to 20 August

The German-Czech Care4Nature Camp in the Erztgebirge near Oberwiesenthal promotes the international exchange of young people and young adults between the ages of 16 and 27 with biotope care, scythe workshops and excursions.

June 2023

Ing. Petr Medáček is Honorary President of the Euroregion Labe

On April 28, 2023, the Council of the Euroregion Labe Association of Municipalities appointed Ing. Petr Medáček Honorary President.

Wanderexpress Bohemica and Letní kometa will run also in the next years

The Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe and the Ústecký kraj have confirmed that the regional trains between Dresden and the Czech Republic will continue to operate in the future.

May 2023

Selected Czech Republic on May 24, 2023: Nela Rywiková - Children of Rage

On Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, at 7.30 p.m., the Czech author Nela Rywiková will read from her book "Children of Anger" in the Dresden Central Library.

Sponsoring contract with the Sparkasse at the working committee of the KG Euroregion

At today's meeting of the KG Euroregion working committee, the sponsoring contract with the Sparkasse was signed.

Conference of the mayors in the Šluknov area on April 27th, 2023 in Krásná Lípa

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, the first cross-border conference of mayors in the Šluknov area took place in Krasna Lipa.

Nové předsednictvo DSO Euroregionu Labe

V pátek 28.4. zvolila Rada EL nově předsedu a dva místopředsedy DSO EL

April 2023

»Pelišky« on May 3rd at the Czech Film Wednesday

On May 5th at 8 p.m. we will be showing the great comedy »Pelišky« in the Dresden Central Cinema as part of the Czech Film Wednesday series.

Video tip: How To - National park

The raven Enrico Rabenstein explains five simple rules how to behave in the National Park Saxon Switzerland.

»Kulový blesk« (Ball lightning) on April 5th at the Czech Film Wednesday

On April 5th at 8 p.m. we will show the fast-paced comedy »Kulový blesk« (Action Ball Lightning) from 1979 at the Czech Film Wednesday in the Central Cinema.

March 2023

Volný vstup do Statních kulturních sbírky Drážďany

Každou neděli od 15 do 18 hodin je vstup do eachnoho muzea Drážďanských statních uměleckých sbírek zdarma.

Asociace Euroregionů ČR

Asociace Euroregionů ČR se profesionalizuje

V pondělí 20. 3. 2023 se na MMR uskutečnila ustanovující schůze Asociace Euroregionů ČR, která přijala Stanovy spolku a zvolila orgány Asociace.

February 2023

Czech Film Wednesday starts on March 1st with »Mimořádná událost« (Exceptional Situation)

The "Czech Film Wednesday" series begins on March 1st at the Dresden Central Cinema, by popular demand with the absurd comedy "Mimořádná událost" (Exceptional Situation)

First information about the Small Projects Fund

The small project fund is expected to start in the summer of 2023. Here you can find initial information.

"Rok na hranici" pokracuje

Česko-německý fund budoucnosti prodlouži program "Rok na hranici" do let 2023-2024. ! Přihlaste se thurs 28.2. již do druhého ročníku.

X-Dörfer - Funding for cultural projects in rural areas

The Staatsschauspiel supports cultural projects in rural areas in 2023 and 2024 in terms of content and finances. This can also be used across borders.

Regular consultation on neighbour language in kindergartens

Every first Tuesday of the month you can get advice on teaching Czech and Polish in Saxon day-care centers.

Presidential elections in Czech Republic 2023

Election results of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic 2023 in the Ústí district

January 2023

City of Sebnitz becomes a member of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe

As of 01.01.2023, the city of Sebnitz has become a member of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

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