Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Albert Schweitzer organ concert on 16.9. in Děčín

Organ concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer's visit to Tetschen (Děčín)


On January 15, 1923, Albert Schweitzer visited the Church of Christ in Tetschen (today Děčín). There he played a concert and reported on his work in Africa.

To mark the 100th anniversary of this event, the concert will now be repeated at the same venue on the same instrument. In addition, the choir "Violet Harmony" and soloists from the elementary school Kamenická will perform.

The Euroregion Elbe/Labe provides a shuttle bus from Dresden.

More about the event and
registration for the shuttle bus

The event is sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony/Children and Youth Education Office in Dresden, the Saxon Youth Foundation and the Evangelical Church of Bohemian Brethren in Děčín.

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