Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Quick survey by the IHK on border closings<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The IHK would like to have a quick poll by Feb 26to to learn more about the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies.


The IHK calls for participation in a quick survey regarding the economic consequences of the border closure to the Czech Republic for Saxon companies as follows:

In view of the implementation of the Saxon Corona Quarantine Ordinance of February 15, 2021 and the classification of the Czech Republic as a virus variant area, numerous employees who commute from the Czech Republic to Saxony are no longer allowed to cross the border from the Czech Republic to Saxony. Exceptions to the quarantine requirement only apply to relatively few employees. The effects on your company are sometimes devastating, but at least are associated with considerable production-organizational problems, negative commercial effects such as impending contractual penalties and future problems in recruiting skilled workers.

We have to assume that the political actors are only superficially aware of the aforementioned consequences for your company. In order to make the political at the state and federal level the high level of concern in the border regions clear, we urge you to take part in our survey at short notice.

We are bundling many of your individual activities and expect politicians to exit the border closure for our Czech employees as quickly as possible.

Please support us in this joint task with the aim of ending the unlimited border closure for commuters as quickly as possible.

The survey takes a maximum of 5 minutes and is available here until 02/26/21: Survey on the border closure with the Czech Republic


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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