Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Book about village history published (SZ from February 5th)

The Sächsische Zeitung reports on a publication supported by the Elbe / Labe Euroregion aabout two villages near Studenec mountain (Kaltenberg).


The Sächsische Zeitung published the following article on February 5th:

Book about village history published

The money almost wasn't enough for the German-Czech publication.

From Steffen Neumann

Jitka Tumová from Teplice has worked for 13 years on her bilingual book “The life of the inhabitants below the Kaltenberg over time” about the two villages of Studený (Kaltenbach) and Lipnice (Limpach). She grew up in a weekend house in the villages below Studenec near the town of Česká Kamenice and spent the summer months of her life. After many additions and the extensive translation, the book was finally ready in autumn. To be able to print it, only 2,000 euros were missing.

But in the end they became a problem, despite the many donations Tumová had already received. All hope rested on the fund of the Czech bank ČSOB, which had called a vote to support regional projects. But only the winner could win. The very remote project of a chronicle of two small villages in the former Sudetes had to admit defeat. In addition, the corona pandemic returned and prevented all activities that Ms. Tumová could have developed to raise the necessary money.

Euroregion Elbe / Labe helps

The survey was lost for the book when help came as a surprise. The Sächsische Zeitung reported on the project in November, which is also read in the office of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe. And she decided to step in for the lost survey and contribute the remaining 2,000 euros. “Such publications make an important contribution to the identification with the home region, and that across the border”, explains Rüdiger Kubsch, managing director of the Euroregion, the support and adds: “We were impressed that here civic engagement without the goal of financial gain becomes one bilingual publication. Unfortunately there was no suitable funding program for this, which is why the Euroregion stepped in with its own funds. We didn't want to let this great project fail because of the manageable amount. "

The book has now been printed. Last week Jitka Tumová finally held the book in her hands, which has meanwhile arrived at the local office in neighboring Kunratice (Kunnersdorf). The book can be bought for 590 crowns. After the lockdown is over, it will also be sold in bookstores and tourist information centers. Ms. Tumová hopes to be able to sell the book, which is available in Czech and German, in Germany. The distribution has not yet been clarified.

(Source: Sächsische Zeitung of February 5, 2021, p. 18)

More information about the book

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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