Euroregion Elbe/Labe

141. Sandstone Swiss - published for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

This 141st edition is the conclusion of twelve more Swiss people of the year, with events from the region:


This 141st edition is the conclusion of twelve more Swiss people of the year, with events from the region:

1 On a digital round of visits to the national park partners

2 Clearing of hiking trails in the national park

3 Halloween and the end of the pumpkin season

4 kick-off meeting "Food vending machines in the Saxon Switzerland National Park region"

5 About the eagle owl that didn't want to fly

6 It's 10! 7 Full steam ahead against

7 Full steam ahead against grafitti

8 Three wolf pups in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park

9 Flying trees - traffic safety with a helicopter in the Kirnitzschklamm

10 Producer database “Good things from here.” Is getting a makeover.

11 Start of the new LEADER development strategy 2023 - 2027

12 Gold for Pirna - Sandstone City receives European Energy Gold Award for exemplary climate protection

13 The last Käferbus - let nature be nature!

14 recipe of the month

15 Donation to the Friends' Association

16 Train traffic

Newsletter for download

Source: Joint initiative of Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst National Park Administration Saxon Switzerland and Association Landschaf (f) t Zukunft e. V.


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)