Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhraničí

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhračním regionu: tomuto tématu se bude věnovat příští debata 25.11.2021 at 7 p.m. v hybridním formátu discuze s českými a německými experty.


In the Czech-German border region, cross-border hiking, shopping and doing sports as well as mutual visits have fortunately become part of everyday life in cross-border relationships. The format Couragiert debattiert - Neighborhood Talks is dedicated to this friendship and offers bilingual conversation and discussion formats on current topics in order to continuously strengthen Czech-German relations.

But what about the cross-border medical care of patients? The next edition of the format on November 25, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

What happens if the nearest hospital is across the border after an accident? What special challenge does the border region have to face? Aside from communication difficulties, what are the greatest common challenges? How can both countries and the Czech-German border region strengthen and expand medical (emergency) care together? What is needed for well-functioning basic medical care in the Euroregion?

A Czech-German panel with the following experts will deal with these and other questions:

  • Dr. Bernd Brenner, specialist in anesthesiology and emergency medicine, medical director of rescue services in the Görlitz district
  • Petr Severa, Head of the Health Care Unit, Ústi District Office
  • Pavel Šebesta Head of the Medical Control Center of the Rescue Service of the Ústí n. L. District

The evening will be moderated by Markéta Knoppik, specialist at Aktion Civil Courage e. V., the competence center for communal political education and advice in Saxony. The event is bilingual. Simultaneous translation into both Czech and German has been set up.


Participation in the conversation takes place digitally via the Zoom video platform under the following link:

Meeting ID: 876 7911 6448

If you have any questions about the project or the evening of debate, Markéta Knoppik is available at: and Andreas Tietze at and 03501 460882.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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