Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Offers for short image film wanted

The Elbe/Labe Euroregion is requesting bids for the creation of a two-minute image film.


The Euroregion Elbe/Labe is asking for offers to create an image film for the virtual chapel in Vorderzinnwald (see here ). This includes the following:

  • Drone recordings in Vorderzinnwald and Fürstenau
  • Fitting the 3D model of the chapel to drone images
  • up to 3 short interviews
  • Demonstration of the AR representation of the chapel and the altar
  • Filming of the altar in the Teplice Museum
  • monolingual Czech with German subtitles
  • Movie length: 2 minutes
  • Completion by October 15, 2022

The screenplay for the film is created by the customer in consultation with the commissioned company.

Bids must be submitted by September 4th, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact the Euroregion (see Contact ).


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)