Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Regular consultation on neighbour language in kindergartens

Every first Tuesday of the month you can get advice on teaching Czech and Polish in Saxon day-care centers.


Since this year, the State Office for Early Education in the Neighbor Language has offered “čaj & kawa with the LaNa”, an open advisory service on education in the neighboring language in Czech and Polish.

From now on you can meet the LaNa staff online every 1st Tuesday of the month between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and discuss your questions and topics relating to education in the neighboring language with them.

These are the upcoming dates:

  • February 7th
  • March 7th
  • April 4th
  • May 2nd
  • 06 June

How to take part in "čaj & kawa with LaNa": The events take place via the GoToConnect video conference module. Registration is not necessary: simply open the access link, enter the virtual room and bring your favorite drink and your conversation needs.

You can find more information and the access link to this advisory service at


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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