Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Christmas market at the Děčín Regional Museum

07.12.2024 • 10:00   –   08.12.2024 • 17:00

The entire museum, including the courtyard, becomes a Christmas market.

Christmas market at the Děčín Regional Museum (©FB Oblastní muzeum Děčín)

The Christmas stalls are spread throughout the museum, not just in the backyard. This year, for the first time, there are even stalls in front of the main entrance.

The market also offers lots of music. Soloists, bands, ensembles and choirs from Děčín perform and sing and play traditional and modern Christmas carols.

A large nativity scene exhibition can be seen in the museum, which opens on 27.11.2024 (opening: 5 pm).

There are lots of craft activities, not just for children: Face painting, decorating gingerbread, making beeswax candles, designing with beads.

When: 07./08.12.2024

Where: Oblastní muzeum Děčín

Opening hours: 10-17 h

Admission: free

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)


Overview of all Christmas markets in the region


Christmas market at the Děčín Regional Museum

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