Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Christmas market Česká Kamenice

08.12.2024 • 14:00   –   15.12.2024 • 19:00

Small Christmas market with music and handicrafts

Traditional Christmas market on the main square with lots of music and craft stalls.

When: December 8/15

Where: náměstí Míru, Česká Kamenice

Opening hours: from 2 pm



Tadeáš Jezbera & Petříček Tříletý; 15.00: concert of the Česká Kamenice Children's Primary School in the Church of St. Jacob the Elder; 16.00 Peklo v podzemí (Hell in the Underworld); workshops in the Information Center - making Advent candlesticks.


Zdenka Trvalcová (Voilà!) & Petříček Tříletý; competition for the best Christmas braid; concert in the chapel: Primary Art School Česká Kamenice; workshops in the Information Center

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)


Overview of all Christmas markets in the region


Christmas market Česká Kamenice

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