Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Dipps Christmas

13.12.2024 • 14:00   –   15.12.2024 • 20:00

Christmas market on the Dippoldiswald market square

FlyerOn the 3rd weekend of Advent, the "Dippser Weihnacht" takes place again, organized by the Dippoldiswalde Trade and Commerce Association. You can look forward to lots of tasty treats, various traders and a varied program. A special highlight this year is the historic Christmas market on the church square. Musical entertainment with the "Sandsacks", a goldsmith, leather artists, herbalists, culinary delights, archery and much more await you there.

Further highlights:

  • Model train exhibition from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the "Alte Feuerwehr", Niedertorstraße 12a
  • Flea market, jigsaw puzzle exchange and handicrafts with old books in the Dippoldiswalde municipal library from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Printed Christmas greetings at MiBERZ from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The stores will also be open on Sunday to mark the occasion.

When: 13-15.12.2023

Where: Dippoldiswalde, market and town center

Opening hours:

  • Fri, 13.12.: 2 - 8 p.m.
  • Sat, 14.12.: 12 - 8 pm
  • Sun, 15.12.: 12 - 8 p.m.


Friday, 13.12.

  • 14.00 Opening of the Christmas market
  • 14.45 Performance by the Märchenland daycare center
  • 15.30 Performance by the Rasselbande daycare center
  • 16.15 hrs Performance by Kita Zwergenland
  • 17.00 hrs Dance group Restless
  • 18.00 hrs Fire brigade band Reichstädt

Saturday, 14.12.

  • 15.00 Fairytale hour in the community center
  • 16.00 Rudi and Friends at the market
  • 16.30 Organ fairy tale in the town church
  • ''Evening star and organ of peace''
  • Children's crafts in the parish hall

Sunday, 15.12.2024

  • 3.00 pm Puppet show ''The fiery red flower'' in the parish hall
  • 3.30 pm ''The World Class 3''
  • 17.00 Drawing of the quiz by the HGV at the market

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)


Overview of all Christmas markets in the region


Dipps Christmas

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