Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Tharandt Christmas Village

07.12.2024 • 12:00   –   15.12.2024 • 20:00

Creative Christmas market at the Bahnwärterhäuschen in Tharandt

Every year... millions of lights, rustic wooden huts and tons of loving decorations transform all places in Germany and the world into a true winter wonderland. Christmas sounds and the smell of cinnamon, mulled wine and roasted almonds fill the streets. Cold hands are warmed by steaming cups of punch, sweet and savory treats tempt you to feast and children's eyes light up when they meet Santa Claus. An authentic Wewihnachtsdorf is the very best invention to sweeten the wait for the Christ Child and conjure up a little light, warmth and contemplation in the dark winter days.

Trends and tastes are constantly changing, but the Tharandt Christmas Village remains true to itself: stalls specially built for the Christmas Village, unique, spanned bar tables, characteristic giant tipis and magical illumination provide the diverse supporting program on and next to the stage with its craft partners the quaint setting for the Christmas season in the Tharandt Forest.

When: 7/8 and 14/15/12/2024

Where: Railway keeper's cottage Tharandt

Opening hours:

  • Sat: 12 - 9 pm
  • Sun: 12 - 8 p.m.

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)


Overview of all Christmas markets in the region


Tharandt Christmas Village

Weitere Märkte in der Nähe

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