Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Christmas market at Děčín Castle

15.12.2024 • 10:00 – 17:00

Cozy atmosphere in the castle courtyard

Weihnachten auf Schloss Děčín
Christmas at Děčín Castle (© Děčín Castle)

70 stalls with food and drink from the region, gifts and handicrafts. Choirs from Děčín sing Christmas carols, there are Advent tours of the castle and the highlight is a fire show.

Throughout Advent, the castle and the south gardens are festively decorated and illuminated, including dozens of Herrnhut stars. A giant Advent wreath with a diameter of 5 meters is new.

When: 15.12.2024

Where: Děčín Castle

Opening hours: 10-17 h

Admission: free

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)


Overview of all Christmas markets in the region


Christmas market at Děčín Castle

Weitere Märkte in der Nähe

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