Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Postřižiny« (Cutting it short) on December 4th at Czech Film Wednesday

04.12.2024 • 20:00 • Zentralkino Dresden

Poetic comedy about small-town life in the 1920s by Jiří Menzel based on a book by Bohumil Hrabal

This 1980 lyrical comedy by director Jiří Menzel, based on the famous novel of the same name by Bohumil Hrabal, draws primarily on the writer's rich poetic imagery, which in this case comes from his memories of a peaceful life in the small town where his father was the director of a brewery. The sequence of humorous episodes, linked by the main characters - the charming manager, her loving husband Francine and his brother Pepin - is interwoven with the constant conflict between the ambitious Francine and the board of directors made up of representatives of the town. Francine's career is threatened primarily by the crazy stunts of the noisy Pepin, but also by the irresistible fluidity of the manager, to whom all the masters are subject...

The film was released in early 1981 and aroused a truly exceptional interest. Although the film's subject matter was considered typically national, Postřižiny was unexpectedly well received abroad - as one of the few Czech titles from the early 1980s, it was bought by a number of European and overseas distribution networks. The years have given this ageless film an additional, nostalgic charm that evokes pleasant memories of times and things that are irretrievably gone.


This film will be shown as part of the series "Czech Film Wednesday" , as always in the original version with German subtitles.

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(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Mit diesem Film haben wir – passend zur Vorweihnachtszeit – eine richtig typisch tschechische Wohlfühlkomödie im Programm. Es gibt viele mehr oder weniger skurrile Charaktere in einer Reihe verwickelter Situationen, garniert mit einem feinen Humor, der auch nach über 40 Jahren noch wirkt, gespielt von einigen der beliebtesten tschechischen Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler. Kurz gesagt: Wegen Filmen wie diesem ist die tschechische Cinematografie bei uns so beliebt.

Tschechoslowakei, 1980, 93 min, OmU

Regie: Jiří Menzel
Vorlage: Bohumil Hrabal (Buch)
Drehbuch: Bohumil Hrabal, Jiří Menzel

Es spielen: Magda Vášáryová, Jiří Schmitzer, Jaromír Hanzlík, Rudolf Hrušínský, Petr Čepek, Oldřich Vlach, František Řehák, Miloslav Štibich, Alois Liškutín


Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 3107375


The Zentralkino is located on the grounds of the (Kultur-) Kraftwerk Mitte (see site plan, no. 16). There are entrances at Wettiner Platz, from Könneritzstraße and from Ehrlichstraße.

From "Bahnhof Mitte" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 350 m, from "Haltepunkt Freiberger Straße" directions_railway directions_bus about 500 m walk to the cinema. Various tram lines also stop at both stations. From the stop "Schweriner Straße" directions_railway directions_bus it is 400 m.

The large car park for Kraftwerk Mitte is located behind the railway embankment. Access is from Löbtauer Straße. From the car park you can get to the cinema through a passageway and via Könneritzstraße.

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