Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Boden und Wasser - ein Wechselspiel





Lead Partner:

Umweltzentrum Dresden
Schützengasse 16 -18, 01067 Dresden


Společnost pro Jizerské hory, o.p.s.
U Jezu 96/10, 46001 Liberec


01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019




Soil - it can be rocky, loamy, sandy, hard and firm, or loose and crumbly. Soil is largely responsible for fertility and is therefore the basis for agriculture and the production of our food. Water - it is known as our elixir of life, it is drinking water and living space, is sometimes too much or too little available, can be solid, liquid or gaseous and plays an important role in all areas of life. Water does not disappear, it changes and moves in a cycle on our earth. An important station in it is the ground. The aim of the project is to familiarize the German and Czech students with these relationships in the form of joint project days. To show that it is not a matter of course that clean drinking water and fertile soil are available in sufficient quantities for everyone, but that this depends on many factors - from natural resources to the technologies used. In addition to the scientific content, which relates to both German and Czech everyday life, intercultural encounters and communication also play an important role in the project. The project days are therefore supplemented by voice animations. A total of 6 joint German-Czech workshops are planned in Dresden as well as 6 joint German-Czech workshops in the Řehlovice cultural center for German-Czech school classes from the shared border region. The workshops will take place on school days in 2019. A total of 90 German and 90 Czech participants (three 3rd or 4th grades each from DE + CZ) are planned. In Dresden, but also in Řehlovice, the students in small German-Czech groups will deal with the project topic from both a scientific and an artistic perspective. All workshops are bilingual, with two interpreters available for each. It is our concern, however, that the students communicate primarily with each other and independently (German, Czechs, English, with hands and feet ...).

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The students deal with the availability of drinking water and the problem of water shortage as well as the interaction of water and soil as the cycle of life. With various art techniques and simple experiments, individual areas of the water cycle are examined more closely. The topic of soil as a water reservoir and its important function in the large water cycle is particularly addressed. The pupils use analytical methods to examine, record, compare and classify various soil substrates. Another focus is the adaptability of the plant world. Different structures and shapes of the leaves and roots provide information about specialized functions in the water balance and how plants deal with different soil and water supply. The view from the ant's perspective opens up unimagined insights. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the project also makes a significant contribution to strengthening the intercultural competence of the participants. In order to promote intercultural encounters and communication, speech animations are carried out in every workshop. The active engagement with the subject of "soil and water - an interplay" under the most varied of aspects is a good prerequisite for intensive German-Czech encounters and for making contacts. During the workshops, the Czech and German students will discuss a specific topic from different perspectives, get to know each other and learn a lot about a place in both countries.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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