Czech Film Wednesday on November 6: »Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera« (Lemonade-Joe or A horse opera)
As Czech Film Wednesday on November 6 is part of the Czech-German Culture Days, the film selection followed their motto ŠVUNK! With "Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera" (Lemonade Joe or A Horse Opera) from 1964, we have a truly ŠVUNK film in our program.
In 1885, Arizona is in a state of chaos: the inhabitants of Stetson City are constantly drunk and moral values are at rock bottom. The gangsters meet in Doug Badman's Trigger Whiskey Saloon. Ezra Goodman and his daughter Winnifred are the last of the righteous in this appalling and corrupt town. One day Joe arrives with Kolaloka lemonade and supports them in their fight against alcohol. However, it is clear that the alcoholics will not give up their drug so easily.
The whole movie is great fun, nothing and nobody is taken seriously. The humor sometimes balances on the fine line to silliness, but it succeeds very well. With so many unusual ideas, you can imagine what fun the creators must have had back then.
To mark this special screening, we are offering all guests a surprise to go with the movie.
Please note: Demand is very high, so we strongly recommend booking in advance. As the large auditorium in the Central Cinema is already almost fully booked, the film will be shown in parallel in the small auditorium at 8.15 pm (including introduction). So before you have to sit in the front row, you'd better get a ticket for this.
More about the movie and tickets