Project partner wanted for HLAVNÍ elementary school in Mojžíř - a district of Ústí nad Labem
The HLAVNÍ elementary school in Mojžíř is one of the most important educational institutions in the city of Ústí nad Labem. The school is looking for a partner in the German-Czech border region for cross-border projects.
Marek Koníř - Special Projects Manager - Department of Municipal Organizations, Strategic Development and Investments
Phone: +420 475 271 121
Brief information about the school:
Hlavní Primary School in Mojžíř is one of the most important educational institutions in the city of Ústí nad Labem. It is located in the Mojžíř district, which is known for its social and cultural diversity. The school focuses on providing basic education for students from first to ninth grade.
School details:
- Address: Hlavní 193, 400 11 Ústí nad Labem - Mojžíř
- School type: Primary school with grades 1 to 9
- Focus: Focus on inclusive education, support for pupils with different educational needs and integration of children from different social backgrounds
- Study groups and leisure activities :
- The school offers a variety of interest groups, including sports, creative workshops and student parliament activities
- Pupil support:
- Tutoring and support for pupils who need help with their learning.
- Working with parents:
- Working closely with parents and the community, particularly through parents' evenings.
Role in the community
The school plays an important role in the community of the Mojžíř residential area and helps children and parents to overcome social and educational barriers. Its inclusive approach promotes cohesion and cooperation between different population groups.
Project title:
"Schools connect the region: community and nature days"
Project objective:
The main objective of the project is to strengthen community and cross-border cooperation between schools in the Elbe Euroregion through thematic days focusing on children's relationship to school, community and nature. The project encourages the active participation of pupils, teachers and parents in joint activities that improve the school environment and strengthen relationships between schools on both sides of the border.
Key activities:
1st Earth Day
2nd Children's Day
3rd School Day
4th Sports and Health Day
5. community day
Project benefits:
- Increased participation of children in community life and increased sense of responsibility for their environment
- Establishment of long-term cooperation between schools in the Czech Republic and Germany
- Development of pupils' language and social skills through international encounters
- Improvement of the school environment and the quality of life in the communities.