Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Weekly review no. 11

Bohemian glass craft receives UNESCO title - Germany extends border controls - cross-country ski trails and slopes prepared


Bohemian glass craft receives UNESCO title

Handgefertigte Glasfigur
Handmade glass figure (© Muzeum skla a bižuterie v Jablonci nad Nisou, 2021)

The Czech Republic can look forward to another UNESCO title. This time the international organization honored the intangible heritage of the glass craft. The Czech Republic received the title together with five other European countries. In addition to the Czech Republic, these are Germany, Finland, Hungary, France and Spain.

"This is a gift for everyone who has anything to do with glass," said Milada Valečková, head of the Glass and Jewelry Museum in Jablonec nad Nisou (Gablonz). In the Czech Republic, glass crafts are concentrated primarily in the districts of Liberec, Zlín and Vysočina. Over 5,000 craftsmen work there in around 100 workshops and companies. Traditional locations in North Bohemia are Kamenický Šenov, Nový Bor and Železný Brod.

The Saxon-Bohemian border area has already won its second UNESCO title in quick succession. At the beginning of September, UNESCO awarded the hop town of Žatec (Saaz) and the surrounding hop region the title of a World Heritage Site. The Erzgebirge mining region (together with Saxony) and the famous spas in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), Marianské Lázně (Marienbad) and Františkovy lázně (Franzensbad), which have also received the title along with several European spas, are also world heritage sites. Northern Bohemia is also home to the Czech Republic's only world natural heritage site, the beech forests in the Jizera Mountains.

Germany extends border controls

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced that stationary controls at Germany's borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will be extended by two months beyond December 15th. The step was justified by the results of the controls so far. As a result, since the controls were introduced in mid-October, 3,300 unauthorized entries have been detected and 1,100 unauthorized entries have been prevented. The Saxon Interior Minister Armin Schuster had previously called for border controls to be maintained in the long term, i.e. for at least six months. He sees it as a means of deterrence.

However, border controls are increasingly being criticized. As a result, it is highly questionable whether the effort is in proportion to the benefit. Markus Schlimbach, DGB chairman in Saxony, recently sharply criticized the controls at the first German-Czech regional forum. The greatest good, European freedom of movement, is being carelessly put at risk. The controls must be ended immediately. Especially on the Dresden-Prague motorway, kilometer-long queues of trucks form every day in the direction of Germany, which also affect buses and private transport. On some days the cars are parked until the Ústí nad Labem exit and have to be regulated by the police.

Andreas Roßkopf, who is responsible for the federal police at the police union, told the “Rheinische Post” that the number of asylum seekers cannot be reduced through police means and that asylum applications cannot be prevented. What needs to be clarified is "whether thousands of police officers should actually remain at the border or whether they should be better deployed for security in the cities and whether the asylum problem should be solved within the EU framework." The security situation at home is highly sensitive.

Cross-country ski trails and slopes prepared

The winter sports season also started earlier than in other years in the Saxon-Czech border area. The intense snowfall of the last few days has ensured that the cross-country ski trail network could be skied not only in the Bohemian Ore Mountains, but also in Bohemian Lusatia.

A little tip from us: Current information about the condition of the cross-country ski trails in the Czech Republic can be viewed daily on the website (also available as an app) if you switch the map display to "winter".

The season has also opened in the ski areas. Due to the sub-zero temperatures, sufficient artificial snow could be produced there in addition to the natural snow, which can also survive announced plus temperatures of slightly above zero. Almost all ski areas in the Bohemian part of the Ore Mountains went into operation on December 8th.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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