Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Working Committee of Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion

The working committee meets several times a year and takes important decisions that go beyond the powers of the executive committee, mainly due to the strategic importance or financial impact.


The members of the Working Committee are elected from among the representatives at the General Assembly. According to the statutes, the state capital of Dresden has four seats, and all other members have one seat each. In addition, the members of the Executive Committee are automatically also members of the Working Committee.

name function or deputy
Annekatrin Klepsch President
Manuela Förster Vice President
Thomas Peters Vice President
Bettina Kempe-Gebert further member of the board
Rüdiger Kubsch Managing Director
Michael Hauck Johannes Schwenk
Tilo Kießling Moritz Knobel
Dr. Rolf Poppe Martin Plötze
Jessica Roitzsch Elli Martius
Michael Ullmann Tabitha Bleienstein
Dolph Haupt Katja Riedel
Enrico Albrecht  
Ronald Kretzschmar Franz Berger
Daniel Brade Babett Cäsar

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