Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Hoří, má panenko« at Czech Film Wednesday

07.06.2023 • 20:00 • Zentralkino Dresden

A long-forbidden grotesque by the great Miloš Forman about a ball with an absurd beauty pageant, a pig's head and a burned-down house

In honor of their 86-year-old honorary commander, the fire brigade is organizing a ball in small Vrchlabi. But the festival turns out to be a fiasco: while the firefighters get drunk, a house burns down nearby, the girls in the Miss Pageant are mistaken for fair game, and the table with the raffle prizes miraculously empties...

Before Forman wrote film history with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "Amadeus", he shot this Oscar-nominated satire on everyday life in his homeland in the run-up to the Prague Spring.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

»Hoří, má panenko« is an absolute classic of Czech film history. As in some other cases (eg »Pelíšky«), various quotations have found their way into the Czech vocabulary.

But this film is also an example of how a contemporary criticism is hidden behind the facade of a funny comedy, which on the one hand refers to the political situation before the Prague Spring, but on the other hand to various human characteristics and social normalities. Here you don't see a loving portrayal of somewhat quirky characters, but also unsympathetic characters. says: "Forman managed to get to the roots of human nature, many characters seem to have been cut out of real life. If his previous films looked down on human activities with a benevolent and friendly smile, this film is the The lyrical and soothing note has completely disappeared, leaving only the consistent exposure of the negative sides of human nature. And the firemen's ball, the incredible course of which the film follows, is like a skewed mirror of the social situation of the sixties."


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

ČSSR/IT 1967, 71 min, OmdU

Regie: Miloš Forman

Darsteller/innen:  Jan Vostrčil, Josef Šebánek, Josef Valnoha

More movies at Czech Film Wednesday


Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 3107375


The Zentralkino is located on the grounds of the (Kultur-) Kraftwerk Mitte (see site plan, no. 16). There are entrances at Wettiner Platz, from Könneritzstraße and from Ehrlichstraße.

From "Bahnhof Mitte" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 350 m, from "Haltepunkt Freiberger Straße" directions_railway directions_bus about 500 m walk to the cinema. Various tram lines also stop at both stations. From the stop "Schweriner Straße" directions_railway directions_bus it is 400 m.

The large car park for Kraftwerk Mitte is located behind the railway embankment. Access is from Löbtauer Straße. From the car park you can get to the cinema through a passageway and via Könneritzstraße.

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