Ausweitung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Museen der Euroregion Elbe/Labe
Lead Partner:
Stadt Dresden
Königstraße 15, 01099 Dresden
Project partner:
Euroregion Labe
Velká Hradební 8, 40001 Ústí nad Labem
01.05.2018 - 31.12.2018
2.075,62 € Euro
The Internet portal "Museums in the Euroregion Elbe / Labe" (EEL) has been providing information about the 103 museums in the Euroregion in three languages (D / CZ / Engl.) Since 2011 in order to facilitate access to the diverse museum landscape of the Euroregion. The portal has also been usable with a smartphone since 2016, offering easy access to the culture in the region and describing potential excursion destinations in the region. In order to achieve further popularization, the public relations work for the portal is to be expanded. This is to be done through advertising in Saxony and Northern Bohemia in print and online. The aim of the project will be to research the considerably differently structured media landscape and the information and communication channels, especially on the North Bohemian side, and to open up new channels for advertising and to use them to publicize the museums. In addition, possibilities of linking to other electronic tourist portals in the region are to be explored and used for advertising. Another aim of the project is to revise the content of the museum pages. For this purpose, current information is requested from the museums, processed, standardized through thorough editing, translated into three languages (D, CZ, E) and processed in the portal's content management system. The target group are all citizens of the EEL and foreign tourists. As part of the project, the portal's conformity with the equality requirement and accessibility is to be checked and enforced.
Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit
With the expansion of the public relations work of the museum portal, the content of the portal will be accessible to a broader audience. German and Czech citizens and tourists have an additional opportunity to discover the diverse museum landscape in the EEL “on the go”. In addition to strengthening tourism, this also creates an awareness of the common museum landscape in the EEL and develops identification with the common living space of the Elbe / Labe region, especially in cultural terms. They are publicly displayed in three EU languages through the portal and are linked to one another via the information portal. The mutual marketing of the museums is also promoted. You have the opportunity to present yourself in a professional environment, including as a potential cooperation partner for cross-border museum projects. Sustainability is achieved by building the project on the existing museum portal and integrating it into existing networks. The existing database and the functionality of the portal will continue to be used, expanded and revised in terms of content. The portal is made known through existing but above all new information and advertising opportunities for applicants and participating museums. The accessibility of the portal and its conformity with the principle of equality will be checked and further expanded.
Best practice
Das dreisprachige Internetportal "Museen in der Euroregion Elbe-Labe" lädt ein zu Streifzügen diesseits und jenseits der sächsisch-tschechischen Grenze entlang eines geschichtsträchtigen Flusses. Über 100 Museen mit ihrer Ge- schichte und ihren Sammlungen lassen sich via Smartphone und Tablet von "unterwegs" oder vom heimischen Computer aus entdecken. Das Portal gibt einen Einblick in Sammelleidenschaft und städtische Initiative, in Naturforschung und Handwerk, Bautraditionen und Kunstgeschmack. Herrscher, Adelsfamilien und Künstler sind zu entdecken, Alchemisten, Stuhlbaumeister und Uhrenmacher. Auch die Museumsgebäude selbst sind auskunftsfreudige Zeugen der Kultur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Region.
Jedes Museum ist mit einer einheitlich gestalteten Seite vertreten mit Informationen über Programm, Öffnungszeiten, Eintrittspreise, Angeboten in tschechischer, englischer und deutscher Sprache sowie Behindertenzugang. Sieben thematische Filter-Kategorien dienen der interessenbezogenen Auswahl, fünf räumliche Kategorien zeigen Museen eines Gebietes und helfen bei der Orientierung. Hinweise zu Öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Übersichtskarten und Lagepläne helfen bei der Planung des Museumsbesuchs.