Dresden-Böhmen-Prag. Szenen einer Nachbarschaft
Lead Partner:
Dresdner Geschichtsverein
Wilsdruffer Straße 2, 01067 Dresden
Collegium Bohemicum o.p.s.
Masarykova 3/1000, 40001 Ústí nad Labem
25.07.2018 - 30.01.2019
4.518,43 € Euro
The "Dresdner Hefte" are a regular publication of the Dresden History Association on various aspects of the history of Dresden and the region, which has been published since 1983. In autumn 2018 an edition will be published that deals with Saxon-Czech relations. The historical focus of the issue is on the last 120 years of relations between Germany, Bohemia and the Czech Republic. The title should be "Dresden-Bohemia-Prague. Scenes from a neighborhood". The booklet also serves to prepare an international conference for specialist audiences and the general public on the same topic in 2019. The project applied for includes the planning, editing and publication of this edition of the Dresden booklets. The booklet is printed in German (2000 copies) and Czech (1000 copies). It is sold in Saxony in the usual ways and on the Czech side it is distributed free of charge to museums, archives and selected educational institutions in the Elbe / Labe Euroregion. Since the "Dresdner Hefte" are hardly known in the Czech Republic, there are few chances of selling copies. The target group there are primarily students, schoolchildren, educational tourists, scientists and all other friends of German-Czech relations. With the publication and the conference in 2019, the relationships between journalists, scientists and tourists in the region are to be intensified. However, the project activities are also aimed at the general public. Therefore, the magazine will be presented to the public in two events in Dresden and Ústí in the context of the Czech-German cultural days.
Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit
The issue aims to strengthen the intellectual and intellectual relationships in the Euroregion and to bring the historical dimensions of the neighborhood of Dresden, Bohemia and Prague, i.e. Germany and the Czech Republic, closer to the public in both countries in recent history. The acquisition of German and Czech authors is intended to strengthen cross-border networking in the field of journalism and science. One intention of the project is to convey to the public that the neighborhood region is part of Central Europe and that there are a large number of positive relationships between Saxony and Bohemia, Germany and the Czech Republic. The rather problematic aspects of German-Czech history in the 20th century should not be marginalized, but rather the reason for supporting positive neighborly relations. The production of the booklet in the Czech language provides the basis for the content of the publication to be debated in further events on site and for the scientific approach to the topic of "neighborhood" to progress in the society of the region. This applies especially to pupils and schools as well as students and universities.
Best practice
Idee, Inhalt, Produktion und Verteilung dieses "Dresdner Heftes“ zeigen, dass es von Anbeginn an als Kooperations- und Nachbarschaftsprojekt angelegt war. Es schlug nicht nur thematisch die Brücke von Dresden und Sachsen nach Tschechien, "Böhmen" und Prag, sondern fand einen Kooperationspartner im Collegium Bohemicum von Usti (und dessen Direktor als Heft-Autoren). Zudem entwickelte sich die Übersetzung zu einer weiteren, anfangs gar unerwarteten Kooperation mit der Universität Usti und einigen dortigen Germanistik-Studentinnen und Studenten. Diese übersetzten das deutsche Heft, so dass wir über 500 Ex. in der Sprache des Nachbarlandes drucken konnten. Die Unterstützung durch den Kleinprojektefonds und die Euroregion Elbe/Labe machte es möglich, die tsch. Version im Nachbarland kostenlos zu verteilen. Dieser Prozess dauert an. Eingebunden in die Distribution sind die Euroregion Elbe/Labe, das Collegium Bohemicum, die Universität in Usti sowie das tsch. Generalkonsulat in Dresden. Eine Vorstellung des Heftes in Prag ist in Planung.
Unmittelbar nach dem Erscheinen wurde das deutsche Heft in Dresden (17.10.2018) und in Usti (06.03.2019); anwesend waren jeweils ca. 35 Personen.
Die Kooperation mit dem Collegium Bohemicum sowie der Universität war so erfreulich, dass weitere gemeinsame Veranstaltungen und die Pflege des Kontaktes von den Beteiligten erwünscht und angeregt wurden.