Internationaler SachsenCup 2019
Lead Partner:
CitySki GmbH
Große Meißner Straße 15, 01097 Dresden
Project partner:
LK Slovan K. Vary z.s.
Dr. Davida Bechera 18, 36001 Karlovy Vary
2018-11-01 - 2019-01-31
14.778,75 Euro
Together with his Czech partner, the applicant plans to host the International SachsenCup in January 2019. 400 children and young people from Germany (300) and the Czech Republic (100) are invited to take part in this competition in the cross-country skiing discipline. Two days together are planned in Dresden, on which intercultural exchange and cross-border cooperation will be lived and promoted. The arrival of the children and adolescents takes place early Saturday morning. After a little refreshment, the competition starts at 9:00 a.m. It starts in different age groups, divided into girls and boys. During the sporting event, the participants are accompanied by their trainers as well as interpreters. The supporting program accompanying the competition (lunch, moderation, etc.) is also conveyed in German and Czech. Press representatives from both regions are invited to accompany the sporting events in the media and to make them public across borders. After the award ceremony, the children and young people have the opportunity to relax and strengthen themselves until the evening event. The joint evening event begins at 7:00 p.m., at which all participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas and come into contact with each other. The participants leave on Sunday morning after breakfast together. The applicant and his partner are interested in a long-term cooperation and would like to expand and consolidate this through the winter sports event. With the current project, the project partners want to sustainably inspire children and young people for winter sports and cross-border exchange and establish sport in the region.
Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit
The project is primarily aimed at children and young people from the border regions in Germany and the Czech Republic. The focus is on enjoying the joint sporting event, regardless of the nationality of the participants or any language barriers. Through the shared experience, possible resentments and prejudices are reduced and tolerance for cultural diversity can be experienced. This awareness reduces emotional reservations and thus opens up cross-border exchange. At the same time, the close organizational cooperation between the partners serves to promote cross-border exchange and cooperation and thus creates a trusting basis for the joint planning and implementation of further, more extensive projects. This forms the basis for the joint implementation of further projects within the framework of the Junior World Championship in the Oberwiesenthal / Klinovec region with the involvement of other partners from the winter sports area.
Best practice
Am 19. Januar 2019 wurde am Dresdner Königsufer der Internationale Sachsencup 2019 in der Disziplin Skilanglauf ausgetragen. Eingeladen waren 400 Kinder und Jugendliche aus Deutschland und Tschechien im Alter von 5 bis 18 Jahren. Im Vordergrund stand die Freude an einem gemeinsamen sportlichen Ereignis, unabhängig von der Nationalität der Teilnehmer und evtl. sprachlicher Barrieren. Als Austragungsort diente die Arena des eine Woche zuvor ausgetragenen Ski Welt Cups 2019. Die Kinder und Jugendlichen zeigten mit großer Freude ihr Können auf der Strecke der Profis und genossen die Atmosphäre des Weltcup Areals. Die feierliche Siegerehrung fand in der VIP-Lounge der Arena statt. Bei Kakao und einer großen Auswahl an Kuchen, Eis und Süssigkeiten hat die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen und den ereignisreichen Tag Revue passieren zu lassen. Für Teilnehmer mit einer weiteren Anreise bestand die Möglichkeit in einer nahegelegenen Unterkunft zu übernachten. Nach dem gemeinsamen Frühstück erfolgte die Abreise.
Die Begeisterung für das Projekt war sehr groß und alle Beteiligten wünschen sich eine Wiederholung im kommenden Jahr.