Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Deutsch-tschechisches Programm des Festivals ELBE DOCK 2020 in Dresden



Lead Partner:

Filmverband Sachsen. e. V.
Alaunstr. 2, 01099 Dresden

Project partner:

Kinoklub Ostrov, z.s.
Svatováclavská 17, 41201 Litoměřice


2020-04-01 - 2020-12-31


14780,48 Euro


The ELBE DOCK International Documentary Film Festival was originally founded in 2018 on the occasion of the award of the Pavel Koutecký Prize (PK Prize). The festival has been taking place in Aussig and Dresden since 2018, where the program has been expanded to include the presentation of current trends, new German documentaries, a German cultural program and a German-Czech program for students. In 2020 the festival is planning a change: Its complete program is to be linked on both sides of the border - from 3rd to 7th June. in Aussig and from 6 to 7 June 2020 in Dresden. The main organizer of the ELBE DOCK 2020 festival in Dresden is the Filmverband Sachsen (FS). The festival is primarily geared towards school and university students in the humanities, lovers of art films, those interested in the media and teachers of media studies. A special group to which the program is open are minorities, to whom the subject of FAKE NEWS is dedicated. The project aims at the equality of men and women, which is reflected in the program in the invitation of the experts in a ratio of 50:50. Everyone is welcome as a participant and visitor. The events do not offer a place for discrimination. As part of the program, an industry program for Czech and German filmmakers is being prepared at GEH8, including a brunch for film producers to enable exchange and networking. In addition, schoolchildren and students from the Aussig and Saxony region will learn more about the subject of FAKE NEWS and manipulation at a two-day seminar using the example of the TV channel TV Barrandov. The seminars are supplemented by panel discussions between German and Czech experts, which are open to the public. A concert by two Czech bands will also be part of the program. The festival will end with a festive performance by German and Czech moderators. Six film projections on the subject of manipulation are shown in the central cinema, followed by Q&A. As part of the cultural exchange, the topics of manipulation will continue to be worked on even after the project has ended.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

Although the regions of Aussig and Saxony are geographically and culturally very close, there is very seldom a cultural exchange in the field of documentary film. We are convinced that the presentation of documentaries from the Czech Republic and Germany not only familiarize the audience on both sides of the border with contemporary artistic works, but above all can show which problems and topics are topical on both sides of the border and thus make them understandable social changes are taking place in both countries. These will have a direct influence on the audience, who are always welcome to ask questions themselves (assuming approx. 650 visitors from Dresden and 150 from Aussig). We organize accommodation for 25 students (with the best results, we help the rest with booking accommodation, which they pay at their own expense), for 4 professionals, 5 guests, 5 producers and 4 members of the team. Total number: 70 students, 5 guests, 5 producers, 4 professionals, 8 team members. The media coverage of the ELBE DOCK and the fact that some topics are dealt with in press releases will increase the scope of the topic even more. An independent part of the event that is essential for cultural exchange is a program for students from various universities (70) from the Czech Republic (or the Aussig region) and Germany (or Saxony), which, in addition to the contribution described above, connects students from various disciplines. To this end, they will have the opportunity to attend an introductory networking meeting. The result of the project is the presentation of six Czech and German short films (as part of a screening), five films on the subject of manipulation in the Czech Republic and Germany, two concerts by Czech artists and a festive evening event with film awards with a view to debuts from Central Europe. The sustainability of the project aims to work on various topics and to network different target groups, which we will continue to deal with in the future.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Die Zusammenarbeit des Filmverband Sachsen und des Kinoklub Ostrov ermöglichte die strukturierte Umsetzung eines fundierten und inhaltlich besonders wertvollen Dokumentarfilmfestivals. Trotz Corona-Krise ist es gelungen, das Deutsch-tschechische Programm des Festivals ELBE DOCK 2020 in einem Ersatztermin und an einem anderen Ort als geplant zu realisieren: vom 5.–6.9.2020 fand es so im Kunstraum GEH8 in Dresden statt. Das Projekts bot einen einzigartigen Brückenschlag zwischen Ústí n. L. und Dresden mittels einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung, die auf Dokumentarfilme ausgerichtet ist und Teilnehmern aus Deutschland und Tschechien ermöglicht, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Das Programm des Festivals ELBE DOCK 2020 zeigte dem Publikum insgesamt 5 Lang- und 6 Kurzfilme. Teil des Programms waren u.a. ein Industry Event, eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertretern von Filmproduktionen und -festivals sowie eine Debatte mit Fachleuten aus Deutschland und Tschechien zum Thema Manipulation in den Medien. Weiterhin gab es das Programm WATCH and TRAVEL für Studierende mit verschiedenen Programmpunkten zum Thema Manipulation. Im Rahmen des feierlichen Abschlusses des Deutsch-tschechischen Programms des Festivals ELBE DOCK 2020 in Dresden, wurde der Hauptpreis des Festivals verliehen. Im Anschluss gab der tschechische Cellist Štěpán Filípek ein Konzert. So wurde ein breitgefächertes kulturelles Programm aus vielfältigen Sparten geboten. Insbesondere wurden die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen und Tschechen vertieft und das nicht nur im Bereich Kultur. Auch auf Ebene der Städte Ústí n. L. und Dresden wurde eine Zusammenarbeit initiiert. Durch die neu geknüpfte Partnerschaft zwischen dem Kinoklub Ostrov und dem Filmverband Sachsen, kam es zu einer deutlichen Stärkung der Strukturen im Bereich Kulturzusammenarbeit, insbesondere in der Sparte Dokumentarfilm. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung konnten dem Publikum anhand von Dokumentarfilmen aktuelle Ereignisse und zeitgenössische Themen vermittelt werden, die derzeit das gesellschaftliche Leben im Nachbarland bestimmen.