Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Museum of Mathematical and Physical Instruments

Collection of historical clocks and scientific instruments

The Mathematical-Physical Salon houses a world-famous collection of historical clocks and scientific instruments. Since its foundation in 1728, the museum has been located in the Dresden Zwinger. The museum opens its doors - and with it the door to outer space, to the universe of science and to the world of clock art at the same time. On display are terrestrial and celestial globes as well as fascinating optical, astronomical and geodetic devices dating back to the 16th century, and historical instruments and automata. These not only provide an overview of the development and application of early precision mechanical instruments, globes and clocks, but also reflect their princely origins as works of art of the highest standard.


01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 (0)351 / 49 14 20 00



Opening hours

Tue to Sun 10 am to 6 pm, Mon closed


Zwinger Ticket for all museums in the Zwinger including special exhibitions: Adults 14 EUR, reduced 10,50 EUR Free admission for children and teens up to and including the age 16 Groups (min. 10 persons) 12,50 EUR per person One-day ticket for all museums of the Dresden State Art Collections 24 EUR One-year ticket for all museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 75 EUR (reduced 50 / 25 EUR) Museum of Mathematics and Physics only. audio guide included: Adults 6 EUR, reduced 4.50 EUR, groups (min. 10 persons) 5.50 EUR per person

The Euroregion Culture Card is valid here.


audio guideguided tourslectures

Catalogues on special exhibitions

audio guide free

guided tour: every Saturday 2 pm