Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Old Masters Picture Gallery with Sculpture Collection until 1800

World-famous collection of paintings with works up to 1800

In this museum, a dense presentation of superb paintings from the Late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment spreads out over three floors, with special focusses on various themes, genres, artistic currents, techniques, etc. Again and again, works by Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German, French, English and Swiss artists are found side by side, making for a comprehensive experience of European painting. The presentation of the Sculpture Collection testifies to the importance of ancient sculpture for the art of the Renaissance and the Baroque in painting and sculpture alike. It moreover provides a striking demonstration of the degree to which sculpture and painting have inspired one another over the centuries.


Theaterplatz 1
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 (0)351 / 49 14 20 00



Opening hours

Tue to Sun/holidays 10 am to 6 pm

Closed Mon


All museums and exhibitions in the Zwinger: €14.00/10.50, visitors to the age of 16 free of charge, groups €12.50 pp (min. 10 persons), oneday ticket for all museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden €24.00, annual ticket available

The Euroregion Culture Card is valid here.


audio guideguided tourscafeshop

Catalogues and guided tours (EN, CS, RU) Audio guide (D, EN, FR, RU, PL, CS, JA, IT, ES) Audio guide for children (D, EN, RU)

Guided tours: Fri/Sat/Sun at 11 am and 2 pm, Programmes for families, school pupils and seniors Special guided tours



Audio guides in German, English, French, Polish, Czech, Japanese, Italian, Spanish Audio guide for children (2 Euro) Guided tours in foreign languages (Czech and Russian)

handicapped accessible toilet, limited handicapped accessible

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