From Czechia to Saxony
The Czech Republic is no high-risk area from a German point of view. This means that there are no restrictions or obligations on entry.
Risk areas
Germany does not classify the Czech Republic as a high-risk area. Therefore no obligations or restrictions exist regarding the entry to Saxony.
Most of the regulations can be found in the Federal Coronavirus Entry Ordinance (CoronaEinreiseV, see link below), to which the following paragraphs refer.
additional Information
Federal Coronavirus Entry Ordinance (CoronaEinreiseV of September 28, 2021, last amended on May 30, 2022)
Information from the Free State of Saxony for travelers
From Saxony to Czechia
There are no Covid-related restrictions when entering the Czech Republic.
Here you find the regulations for staying in the Czech Republic.
Here you will find the regulations for staying in Saxony, which should be relevant for foreign guests.
3G/2G: Vaccinated, recovered, tested
Here you will find the exact determination of who is recognized as tested, vaccinated or recovered in the Czech Republic and Saxony.
Czech Republic
- A negative corona test may be no more than 72 hours (PCR test) or 24 hours (antigen test) old.
- In order to be considered vaccinated, the last necessary vaccination (usually the second) must be at least 14 days ago.
- The Czech Republic recognizes the German vaccination card, as well as the digital EU vaccination certificate.
- Anyone who cannot be vaccinated, is under 18 years old or has only received the first vaccination dose can usually replace the missing vaccination with a PCR test that is no more than 72 hours old.
- You are considered recovered if the first positive PCR test was at least 11 and no more than 180 days ago and you have no symptoms. The proof must either be digital or a paper from the doctor in English with a stamp, identification of the doctor and a telephone number.
In Germany, a federal ordinance regulates the exceptions to the corona protection measures (SchAusnahmeV ). In some cases, there are supplementary regulations from the Free State of Saxony.
What does 3G, 2G, 2G+ mean?
- 3G includes recovered, vaccinated and tested.
- 2G, on the other hand, only affects vaccinated and recovered people.
- 2G-plus means vaccinated and recovered, who also either
- be able to show a current test,
- received the booster vaccination
- whose full vaccination (ie 2nd dose) was no more than 3 months ago,
- are fully vaccinated and have recovered,
- are pupils (because they are regularly tested at school),
- or are under 18 years of age.
- A negative PCR test is recognized 48 hours after taking the sample, an antigen test 24 hours (§3 Abs. 3 SächsCoronaNotVO).
- Self-tests are not accepted, the test must have been carried out under supervision.
- Children up to the age of 6 are exempt from the test requirement.
- You are considered fully vaccinated 14 days after the last necessary vaccination dose.
- Those who have recovered are considered fully vaccinated after the first dose of vaccination.
- For children under 16 or people for whom vaccination is not recommended, evidence may be substituted for a test.
- You are considered recovered from 28 days to 3 months after the last positive PCR test (if you have no symptoms).
(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)
Where can I get tested?
Here you can find out where you can get tested for COVID19 in the Czech Republic and Saxony.
In the city of Dresden there are over 100 test centers in a wide variety of facilities (pharmacies, medical practices, bars, restaurants, etc.). They are all allowed to carry out officially certified corona tests. Most only offer rapid antigen tests.
You can find an overview as a map in the themed city map of the state capital Dresden (shortcut ). Here you can also see where PCR tests are offered.
You can find a list of the test centers at if you scroll down a little.
District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains
In the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains, it is possible to be tested for Corona in over 30 cities and communities. You can find an overview on the district's website .
Czech Republic
Ústí district
On the district's website, you can find a list of testing options in seven hospitals in the Ústí district (in Czech only).
The following companies carry out tests or offer reservation options:
- Prevedig (Ústí nad Labem, Teplice, Krupka, Prague, Sokolov),
- Vidia Diagnostika (Ústí nad Labem, Děčín, Litoměřice, Chomutov, Most, Mělník, Litvínov, Prague, Plzeň),
- (appointment reservations throughout the Czech Republic).
An article in the Landesechos from July 13, 2021 provides information about test possibilities in Prague.
In addition, some of the above companies also offer tests in Prague.
(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)