Euroregion Elbe/Labe

INTERREGSaxony-Czech Republic 2021-2027

As part of the INTERREG VI A program, the European Union is promoting cross-border cooperation in border regions between Saxony and Czechia with a total of 152,4 million euros in the years 2021-2027. INTERREG is part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The Saxony-Czech Republic Cooperation Program 2014-2020 represents the concrete implementation of the INTERREG program in the Saxony-Czech border area. It supports projects in the Saxon-Czech border area in the following four thematic areas, called priority axes in technical jargon, with the corresponding investment priorities and the - actually relevant - measures:

priority axis Investment priority with measures EFRE funds (EUR) Pro-projects
1. Climate Change Adaptation, Risk Prevention and Management 15,729,300.43 12
  Risk management, disaster prevention, disaster management systems
  conceptual flood protection
Investment in equipment and information systems including construction measures
2. environmental protection and resource efficiency 68,463,325.17 48
  Water management (water protection, water quality) 7,528,045.97 3
  Improving the water quality and status of streams, groundwater and surface water bodies
Natural and cultural heritage (for tourist attraction) 52,105,905.26 31
  Preservation, protection, promotion and development of cultural and natural heritage, as well as art objects and cultural projects 18,748,128.30
Promotion of a cultural and nature tourism 14,014,957.67
Development of tourist-cultural infrastructure including related transport infrastructure
. of which road construction
Joint concept and product development, marketing efforts, networking of facilities, and creation of systems for joint management 4,613,703.01
Biodiversity, soil, ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure 8,829,373.94 14
  Nature and environmental protection, landscape conservation, soil conservation and forest protection, including biotopes, biodiversity and NATURA 2000
3. education, training and vocational education for skills and lifelong learning 27,805,986.75 44
  Education, training and vocational education for skills and lifelong learning; education, training and vocational education
  early childhood education
Environmental education, environmental awareness
Language competencies, intercultural competencies
school projects, professional qualification in education
cross-border vocational education and training and qualification, adaptation to the labor market, including educational transfer
Cooperation measures of universities, educational institutions and companies for the transfer of know-how at the interface between business and society, establishment and expansion of academic cooperation networks and mobility support
4. Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration 36,449,646.33 41
  ... by promoting cooperation in legal and administrative matters and cooperation between citizens and institutions
  sustainable, collaborative partnership
Common small project fund to support intercultural dialogue and cooperation
Total: 148,448,258.68 145
5. technical assistance (to implement the entire cooperation program) 9,478,024.00 -


further information at the SAB

All further information and the possibility of submitting an application can be found on the program pages.

more information at

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

If you want to compare the current program with that of the 2014-2021 funding period, we have this list for that too.

To the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic 2014-2021

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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