Euroregion Elbe/Labe




Lead Partner:

Umweltzentrum Dresden
Schützengasse 16 -18, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

Dobrovolnické centrum, z.s.
Prokopa Diviše 1605, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


01.07.2018 - 30.06.2019


8.434,22 € Euro


The EU-skeptical attitude is obviously increasing to a great extent in the German-Czech border area, especially in rural areas in Saxony. The “perceived dissatisfaction” of the people with the “Brussels” decisions and resolutions is also increasing worryingly. Everything that has been achieved so far - internal market, Schengen area, freedom of establishment, student programs, regional subsidies and much more - is already all too natural and hardly anyone perceives it as a special achievement. But nothing can be taken for granted and guaranteed forever. The need for explanation on the “European idea” and the principles of a peaceful, politically and economically “united Europe” and their further development will remain the task of every generation. With a "close up" on the topic of "border control" as a media campaign in the border region, the project partners want to actively participate in the current discussion about the "European crisis" - and create a counter-image. A targeted reminder of the democratic values that have been achieved and awareness of the subject of “open borders in the European Union” is to be strengthened and sharpened. The aim is to produce a short animated film with a duration of 40 to 70 seconds that explains the open borders for the free movement of people and businesses and their advantages in a few words in a way that is understandable for everyone. In addition to the homepages, the clip is to be shown in cinemas in the German-Czech region (e.g. Pirna, Neustadt, Ebersbach, Teplice, Ústí nad Labem) and at other public events (such as the Neisse Film Festival Open Air in Görlitz and Zittau) . The topic and the animated film are to be publicized and advertised in the German-Czech border region through an information campaign. For this purpose, a bilingual topic-related postcard with a circulation of 70,000 is to be produced and distributed in the form of a direct mail to German and Czech households in the border area. Press releases and information via social media should also accompany the presentation.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The project both promotes European achievements and ideas positively, as well as addressing non-European target groups such as residents in rural areas. The project campaign works precisely there, namely in the domestic environment and through the broadcast of the animation clips (cinemas, festivals) in the leisure area, where experience has shown that EU-skeptical target groups (including senior citizens, (professional) schoolchildren, people who are less involved in political events are interested) are more difficult to reach through specially designed events. Care is taken to ensure that the achievements of the EU are explained in this animation clip and on the postcard in a way that is understandable for everyone - without having to “raise the index finger”. In addition, the German-Czech cooperation and the joint appearance in the broader public will be visible and strengthened through direct mail and broadcasts in cinemas and film festivals, especially in rural areas, where EU skepticism is very widespread. The project campaign will be used as an accompaniment (animation clip, information table, postcard, internet) in so-called student dialogues, which will be initiated by the Saxon State Chancellery in autumn 2018. This is a closed event with a limited number of participants, at which the Saxon Prime Minister and / or a high-ranking official will also be present. The target group is vocational school students from the rural area of Saxony in the border area with the Czech Republic. At information tables with an international audience at open air events (Neisse Film Festival, May 2019), questions about the EU can be answered and information about funding and exchange opportunities (e.g. EREASMUS +) and project financing can be provided.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Die im Projekt gesammelten Erfahrungen zeigen einerseits, dass es auch besonders die einfachen und alltäglichen Zusammenhänge sind, die das Zusammenleben in der EU für Menschen lebens- und erhaltenswert machen. Freies Reisen, freie Wohnort- und Arbeitsplatzwahl sind dabei Vorzüge, von denen viele EU-Bürger*innen profitieren und diese doch zu selten als positive Errungenschaft wahrnehmen. Andererseits sind diese Themen ein guter Einstieg in das Thema EU und „Was bringt die EU für jeden Einzelnen und die Gemeinschaft“. Die Geschichten der Protagonisten haben eine positive Konnotation und vermitteln persönliche Werte wie Freiheit. Dieser Einstieg kann in der offenen Kommunikation z.B. an Infotischen gut als Gesprächsaufhänger zu den Vorzügen der EU dienen.

Allzu wenig wird das Alltägliche des Pendelns zwischen zwei EU-Mitgliedstaaten in den Fokus gerückt – auch WEIL es Alltag ist (wie auch die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Kooperationspartnern). Der Filmclip konnte dies gut zusammenfassen: „Egal wo du wohnst, arbeitest oder liebst – das ist Europa“.

Besonders toll hat sich für die Umsetzung des Themas natürlich das grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeiten mit den tschechischen Kolleg*innen geeignet: Durch die Auswahl der Protagonist*innen durch beide Kooperationspartner konnten authentische Geschichten durch „echte“ Menschen kommuniziert werden.

Alle Konsument*innen des Clips wurden – hoffentlich - motiviert, die (gefühlten) kulturellen, sprachlich bedingten Grenzen aufzubrechen und besonders auch mit den europäischen Nachbarn in Austausch zu kommen.