Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Grenzüberschreitendes Workcamp Heuhoj-Camp 2019 im Osterzgebirge



Lead Partner:

Grüne Liga Osterzgebirge
Große Wassergasse 9, 01744 Dippoldiswalde

Project partner:

Město Dubí
Ruská 264/128, 41701 Dubí


2019-04-01 - 2019-11-30


8.355,33 Euro


The last five years of the Heuhoj-Camp show that cross-border nature conservation work is necessary for the preservation of biological diversity in the Eastern Ore Mountains and that many contacts and friendships have been established through it. Without the project, many biotopes would not be maintained and valuable species would disappear. The camp brings together 10 Czech and 10 German teenagers and (young) adults between 17 and 99 years of age, regardless of gender or ethnic origin, from the Czech Republic and Germany. Meadows are tended together, the language, culture and history of this region get to know and reflect on. Through language animations, the participants get to know their neighboring language and break down inhibitions. In addition to meadow maintenance, the participants can look forward to a varied program. On excursions and lectures on the subject of nature conservation and local biotope maintenance, they get to know the natural and cultural diversity of the border region. During a program day with the Antikomplex organization, the participants actively deal with local events in and after the Second World War. The existing contact with people who experienced this period should be maintained through discussions with contemporary witnesses. The highlight is the neighborhood festival in Cínovec on the last day of the camp, which is organized by the camp participants and the city of Dubí. For the 6th time, more than 100 residents, tourists and interested parties from Saxony and the Czech Republic will be talking to each other. Over coffee, cake and music, the participants also present to the public what they have experienced during the camp week. The celebration of the church has tradition, maintains the dialogue between municipalities, associations and actors and expands it. The nature conservation work and the shared experience of the cultural landscape promotes tolerance and openness in the participants, arouses respect and recognition for the other country, and breaks down prejudices and misunderstandings. The direct dialogue with contemporary witnesses and people from the region generates empathy and understanding for the residents and their history.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

After five years of the Heuhoj Camp, it was possible to establish and maintain contact with local stakeholders and to initiate cooperation with the municipalities of Dubí and Altenberg, local nature conservation associations and administrations as well as farmers. The nature conservation administrations of the SSOE district and the Czech nature conservation organization AOPK in the Ústí nad Labem district enjoy the effectiveness of the Heuhoj camp every year, as the participants in the work assignments maintain important nature reserves with rare plant occurrences that would have remained untreated without the Heuhoj camp would significantly reduce biological diversity on these areas. In order to maintain the existing cross-border relationships for a functioning landscape maintenance in the long term, the Heuhoj Camp is still needed. As the only institution in the Eastern Ore Mountains, it carries out sustainable, cross-border nature conservation work, imparting knowledge in the field of nature conservation, the environment and cultural history. The loss of biodiversity in the Eastern Ore Mountains can only be counteracted if the mountain meadows, stone ridges and other biotopes on both sides of the border can be maintained and restored over the long term. This is currently only taking place as part of the Heuhoj Camp. The participants of past Heuhoj camps stated that they can now better understand why the landscape of the Eastern Ore Mountains appears so wide and empty. In conversations with contemporary witnesses during the camp and at the neighborhood festival, they learned what happened to many people in the Eastern Ore Mountains after the Second World War, what happened here in this landscape, whose meadows they care for today, and how these events influence the history of Central Europe to this day . The participants take this knowledge home and reflect on it critically, especially in relation to today.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Das deutsch-tschechische HeuHoj-Camp im Osterzgebirge ist offen für alle Menschen ab 17 Jahren, denen die Natur und Kultur der Region am Herzen liegen und die Spaß an grenzüberschreitenden Begegnungen haben. Neben der Pflege der artenreichen Bergwiesen mit landschaftlichen Traumausblicken gab es auch 2019 ein buntes Begleitprogramm: Die Teilnehmenden lernten mit viel Spaß bei der Sprachanimation ihre Nachbarsprache näher kennen. Im Rahmen eines Thementages mit Antikomplex wurden die Ereignisse im (Ost-)Erzgebirge vor, während und nach dem 2. Weltkrieg reflektiert. Weitere Programmhöhepunkte waren die Projektpräsentation „Preßnitz lebt - Přísečnice žije" von Veronika Kupková und die Spurensuche mit hiesigen Zeitzeugen im ehemaligen Vorderzinnwald. Am letzten Camp-Tag fand das Nachbarschaftsfest an der Kirche Maria Himmelfahrt in Böhmisch Zinnwald statt. Bei herrlichem Sonnenschein kamen die Menschen bei Kaffee und selbstgemachten Leckereien mit ihren Nachbarn von der anderen Seite der Grenze ins Plaudern. Es gab interessante Aktionsstände und ein Konzert im Innenraum der Kirche. Bei dem Fest trafen sich Menschen aus Deutschland und Tschechien und und haben auch gemeinsam die Schätze des deutsch-tschechischen Friedhofs bei einer kommentierten Besichtigung bewundert. Viele fragten schon beim Abbau der Stände, ob es nächstes Jahr wieder stattfindet. Das deutsch-tschechisches Nachbarschaftsfest ist fester Teil des einwöchigen Heuhoj-Camps geworden.