Kaufmannsweg zur königlichen Hochzeit - die Elbe als böhmisch-sächsische Verbindungslinie
Lead Partner:
Kultur- und Tourismusgesellschaft Pirna mbH
Am Markt 7, 01796 Pirna
Project partner:
Terezín - město změny
Velká Hradební 3118/48, 40002 Ústí nad Labem
03.06.2019 - 30.11.2019
1.433,50 € Euro
The Elbe is the lifeline of our region. As a natural and economic area, trade and communication route, it shapes life. It is a south-north connection between Bohemia and Saxony, which was crossed in Pirna by the west-east and by the trade routes coming from Vienna / Prague over the Ore Mountains. Pirna was endowed with privileges and gained wealth and importance. It was a center for the exchange of products and ideas. The historical trade and communication network is to be made tangible in a cross-border project and used to develop friendly relationships in the Euroregion. For this purpose, a historic merchant fleet starts in Terezìn on August 17, 2019 in the direction of Pirna and is welcomed there on August 25, 2019 with a large town festival. The occasion is the 300th anniversary of the wedding of the Saxon Elector Friedrich August with the Habsburg Emperor's daughter Maria Josepha. The celebrations began in Pirna, where the electoral prince received his bride who was arriving from Vienna. Pirna was renovated and rebuilt especially for this purpose. A fleet parade then set off from Pirna to Dresden. The Terezín merchants will be guests and actors of a big festival, which is based on the historical model and which is co-designed by the Pirna associations "The Savior of the City of Pirna-Theophilus Jacobäer eV" and the "Canaletto Forum Pirna eV". There is a lot of activity in the market in Pirna: in historical costumes, merchants, people, soldiers, ... music, dance, games, dialogues, a large common table, people and the electoral court, plus the Terezín merchants and citizens of Pirna, games and dances for young and old, there is a large board and dialogues. All dressed up are actively involved in the events and create the program items. The conclusion will then be a common trellis that will lead the royal couple to the Elbe - where they will board the boats and, accompanied by the Terezín merchants, go to Dresden. The project joins the nationwide celebrations on the occasion of the royal wedding in 1719.
Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit
The result of the proposed project should be an event that innovatively deals with the common Bohemian-Saxon history and the tradition of the old Elbe trade route by means of historical costumes, equipment and ships and makes it tangible. Cross-border communication on a civic, interpersonal level is promoted through the “historic merchant trip” from Terezín to Pirna and the Baroque civic festival in Pirna with the participation of the Terezín merchants. In addition, monuments, cultural events and regional products are advertised and made known to the general public on both sides of the border. In this way, the project ties in with the traditions of the old Elbe trade and communication route and with the historically grown economic, cultural and interpersonal relationships and revives them. The project also marks the beginning of the relationships between the cities of Pirna and Terezìn in the Usti district, which are to be developed and expanded in the future. The project is also sustainable because it marks the beginning of a joint collaboration for Pirna's activities to celebrate the 300th birthday of the court painter Bernardo Belotto, known as Canaletto, in 2022. Canaletto was one of the most important painters of his time and was court painter to the Saxon-Polish royal family. He was sent to Pirna by his employer Friedrich August II (who received his bride in Pirna in 1719), where he painted 11 large-format vedutas. This is extremely unusual, since Canaletto otherwise only worked in the large residences in Venice, Vienna, Dresden and Warsaw. The 2022 Canaletto anniversary will be celebrated nationally and internationally.
Best practice
Auf tschechischer und deutscher Seite wurde ein Projekt vorbreitet, das eine historische Kaufmannsflotte nach Pirna führte, um dort bei einem großen barocken Bürgerfest auf Pirnaische Bürger, Händler, Bedienstete, Soldaten und den Bürgermeister zu treffen. Dieses Fest bildete gleichzeitig den Auftakt zur großen "Königlichen Hochzeit 1719 Reloaded" und die tschechische Kaufmannsflotte reihte sich in den beeindruckenden Bootskonvoi nach Dresden ein. Projektergebnisse: es konnten enge, produktive Kontakte zwischen den Projektpartnern entwickelt werden. In der Umsetzung bildeten sich persönliche Kontakte zwischen den Akteuren aus Terezin und Pirna. Zudem konnten wertvolle gemeinsame Erfahrungen mit einem logistisch anspruchsvollen Projekt gemacht werden. Diese sind die Basis weiterer Planungen und zukünftiger Projekte.