The Jewish Cemetery in Úštěk is very well preserved. It is about 500 meters from the synagogue on the so-called "Judenberg" near the village of Lhota. The cemetery was created in the 16th century. The deceased Jews from the area also found their final resting place here. After an extension around 1900, a tahara house with a low dome was built. A wall was added to the new part of the cemetery. The hall was demolished around 1982. After the Second World War the cemetery fell into disrepair.
Today there are still 211 tombstones, the youngest of which date from around 1936. It has been a protected cultural monument since 1993 and has been rebuilt and maintained by an association since 2001.
Old Jewish cemetery in Úštěk
Střelecká 118
411 45 Úštěk
Weitere Ziele in der Nähe
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Synagoge Úštěk
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Zoocentrum Srdov
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Srdov village
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Helfenburk castle
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