Mining has been practiced in and around Berggießhübel in the region since the Middle Ages. When walking through the "Marie Louise Stolln" you can experience the working world of a historic mine up close. The tunnel that is now used as a visitor mine was excavated in 1726 as a drainage tunnel and takes you 400 meters into the mountain with only a minimal incline. This is how you get to the former iron ore warehouse - the "Mother of God warehouse". During the tour you get to know areas that document the unchanged old mining, but also contemporary expansion sections that meet today's safety regulations.
The expansion of the tunnel floor as a concrete path, the current water flow as well as the lighting and the modern expansion of the escape route in the former shaft are concessions to the requirements as a visitor company. Access to the underground lake is guaranteed by a massive staircase. The preserved historical sections of the route show a compact rock structure and typical route profile, which narrows the tunnel in short sections to 65 cm wide and almost 160 cm high.
Outside the visitor mine, some original tools and equipment from the bismuth mining of the Leupoldishain and Freital districts can be seen.
In the first upper floor of the Scheidehaus you can visit a museum exhibition with minerals and representational mining evidence. For guests who cannot visit the Marie-Louise-Stolln themselves, an educational film about the regional old mining can be shown on request.