Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Local history museum Maxen (Heimatmuseum Maxen)

Small local museum, run by enthusiasts

 The Maxen local history museum presents the interesting local history of the small mountain village at the gates of Dresden in four rooms. Besides documents on the development of the village, the exhibition focuses on three main areas:

A diorama with over 1,000 tin figures on the Battle of Maxen on November 20th/21st 1759 is a special attraction. During the Seven Years' War, 15,000 Prussians under General v. Finck and 30,000 Austrians under General Field Marshal v. Daun faced each other at that time. Coins, ammunition, weapons, historical maps and other contemporary documents can be seen.

Another part of the exhibition deals with the geology around Maxen, especially the mining of limestone and marble. A lime kiln from 1856 (model in the museum) was renovated by the Heimatverein Maxen e. V. as a technical monument and can be visited separately.

The work of the owner of the manor Friedrich Anton Serre and his wife Friederike as patrons for the artists in the 19th century is of supra-regional cultural-historical importance. The close friendship with the Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen, with the Javanese painter Raden Saleh and the musicians Clara and Robert Schumann is the focus of attention. Clara Schumann's walks from Maxen to the thousand-year-old lime tree of Schmorsdorf prompted the Heimatverein Maxen e. V. to establish the small nearby Linden museum "Clara Schumann" in 2006.


Maxener Str. 71
01809 Müglitztal


Tel: +49 35206 31056

Tel: +49 179 2421518




March - December
So: 13:00 - 16:00

January / February
only after prior arrangement by telephone



Entry during regular opening hours is free - a donation would be nice.



museum shop

Guided tours are also possible outside opening hours after prior arrangement by telephone.



The nearest bus stop is "Maxen Dorfplatz" directions_railway directions_bus, practically in front of the museum (50 m).

From the more frequently served train station in Mühlbach directions_railway directions_bus it is about 2.5 km on foot, most of which does not have to be walked on the road.

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