Euroregion Elbe/Labe


Lovosice's home mountain with impressive panoramic view

The Lovoš (German: Lobosch) is 570 m high. It is located directly next to Lovosice and together with the opposite Radobyl forms the entrance to the Elbe into the Bohemian Central Mountains. The steep slopes and the double peak with the only 489 m high Kybička give it its distinctive shape. While the main peak consists mainly of basalt, the secondary peak is made of phonolite.

From the summit there is a great panoramic view of the Bohemian Central Mountains, the Elbe Valley with the Porta Bohemica and the flatlands to the south as far as Prague.

There is a tourist station with a restaurant on the top.


410 02 Velemín


Tel: +420 607 184 600

Tel: +420 724 221 711




friday: 15.00 - 20.00

saturday: 10.00 - 22.00

sundays and holidays: 10.00 - 16.00




Lovoš can be climbed from all directions.

From the station "Lovosice město" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 3 km and over 400 meters of altitude. From the railroad station Oparno directions_railway directions_busit is 3.5 km, but only about 300 meters of altitude difference. Very recommendable is also the hiking trail from the railroad station in Malé Žernoseky directions_railway directions_busthrough the valley Opárenské údolí, which is with 5,7 km much further, but more picturesque.

From the bus stop "Velemín, Oparno" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 2,7 km, from "Velemín, Bílinka" 3,5 km, each combined with about 300 height meters.

If you arrive by car, you can park in the parking lot west of the summit. From there it is about 2,6 km.

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