Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Evaluation of small projects fund (2018)

The Euroregion Elbe / Labe had the small project fund for the years 2007-2013 evaluated in an own project.

In the years 2007-2013, the Elbe / Labe Euroregion - as well as the other Saxon-Czech Euroregions - administered a small project fund (SPF) to promote small cross-border projects. In a study by the University of Ústí nad Labem and the Institute for Economic and Regional Development Leipzig, the SPF was examined in detail in 2017/2018.

One of the most important results was that on the Saxon side approx. 80% of the projects are carried out by associations, foundations and other private actors, while on the Czech side a similarly high proportion was applied for by municipalities and other local and regional authorities.

The final report is available in German and Czech only.


Titel der Broschüre
Final report of the study (DE, PDF; 10 MB)


Titelseite Kurzfassung
Short version of the report (DE, PDF; 1 MB)


Final report of the study (CS, PDF; 9 MB)


Short version of the report (CS, PDF; 1 MB)

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