Wir sind hier nicht allein - Geschichte unserer Minderheiten
Lead Partner:
Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion OE/OE e.V.
An der Kreuzkirche 6, 01067 Dresden
Collegium Bohemicum o.p.s.
Masarykova 1000/3, 40001 Ústí nad Labem
01.05.2020 - 28.02.2021
13.501,99 € Euro
The theme of the 22nd Czech-German Culture Days 2020 (TDKT20) in the Elbe / Labe Euroregion is “Our neighbors among us”, be it Czechs in Saxony (in the past and present), Germans in the Czech Republic, but also minorities with different cultural backgrounds Background such as Jews, Roma, Sorbs, etc. The project is a traveling exhibition in a converted truck trailer, which will be shown at various locations in the Elbe / Labe Euroregion during and after the TDKT20. In interviews she shows unique stories of representatives of minorities in the Czech Republic. In the present project - as in the festival - the German, Jewish and Roma minorities are highlighted in the selection of contemporary witnesses. The exhibition was developed jointly by both project partners and will be tailored by the Institute for National Memory according to the specifications of both partners. This is an important institution in the Czech Republic that specializes in working with contemporary witnesses, including national minorities. In addition to collecting the memories of these personalities, the institute also has the necessary technology. The exhibition will be on view in five cities for six days each. A visit program is planned for students from grammar schools, secondary schools and vocational schools, in which the situation of minorities in Germany is also reflected. Outside of school visits, the exhibition is aimed at the general public regardless of gender, race or ethnic origin. The project pays special attention to groups of people who have been or are exposed to discrimination in the past and present. The different experiences of men and women in national minorities are also highlighted. When selecting school classes, the goal on the German side is to reach not only grammar schools, but also secondary schools and vocational schools, which are usually less concerned with international exchange.
Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit
The project aims to reach the general public. The task of the exhibition is to give the majority society an insight into the reality of life and to arouse interest in their situation based on the fate of individual members of national and other minorities in the Czech Republic. The exhibition aims to help break down widespread prejudices. The German audience gets an insight into the situation of minorities in the Czech Republic and expands their picture of Czech society. This also encourages people to reflect on the situation in their own country, including that of their fellow Czech citizens. The aim of the exhibition is to arouse the interest of citizens with a different cultural background among the Czech public and help them to recognize that Czech society is not as homogeneous as is widely assumed. The contemporary witnesses of the German and Jewish minorities invite you to reflect on your own history and the cultural influences on today's Czech society. The format and the locations of the exhibition in the middle of the communities contribute significantly to the implementation of this goal. The accompanying program provides the communication of the exhibition theme for students from high schools, vocational schools and grammar schools. The aim of these activities is to initiate interest in this topic as well as further discussion of the topic within the framework of the class, even after the exhibition has ended. This additional activity could include working with contemporary witnesses whose portraits are shown in the exhibition. Another possibility is searching for traces and researching the fate of minorities in the region.
Best practice
Der Inhalt des Projektes war die Durchführung einer Ausstellung über nationale und ethnische Minderheiten in Tschechien. Sie wurde vom Institut Paměti národa aus Prag erstellt und bestand aus einem LKW-Anhänger, den man umrunden und sich dabei durch 12 Gucklöcher in Türen Interviews mit Vertreter*innen dieser Minderheiten anschauen und anhören konnte. Zudem wurden die Protagonist*innen auf 12 großen Tafeln um den Hänger genauer vorgestellt. Vertreten waren die deutsche, die vietnamesische, die jüdische, die Roma-, die ungarische, die griechische, die russische und die ukrainische Minderheit.
Die Ausstellung wurde im Oktober 2020 jeweils 6 Tage in Dresden, Dippoldiswalde, Sebnitz, Ústí nad Labem und Litoměřice auf sehr prominenten Plätzen gezeigt. Sie wurde von mindestens 3200 Menschen besucht, was gerade angesichts der Corona-Pandemie ein großer Erfolg ist.
Auch nach dem Ende der Ausstellung kann man sich auf der Website der Euroregion Elbe/Labe über die 12 portraitierten Personen informieren (https://www.elbelabe.eu/projekte/ausstellung-wir-sind-hier-nicht-allein-2020/).