Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Trmice palace

Castle in English neo-Gothic style in a large English park and with model railway exhibition

The castle was built by Count Albert Nostic in the years 1856-1863 in the English neo-Gothic style. It was designed by the famous Viennese architect Heinrich Ferstel. In 1919 the castle was bought by the manufacturer Wolfrum from Ústí nad Labem. Later it was taken over by the town of Ústí nad Labem. Until 1964 the castle housed the town museum. Then the museum was closed due to the dilapidated condition of the building and the castle was threatened with demolition in connection with the construction of the motorway. Fortunately, this plan was abandoned. From 1997 the castle was reconstructed and today serves as a cultural center.

Even though the castle and the park are worth seeing in themselves (the location below the motorway gives the whole thing a peculiar flair), two exhibitions also attract visitors inside: the most well-known is the one on model railways, of which there are several, supplemented by other models of vehicles. Secondly, the castle also has a museum exhibition on mining in the region.

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Zámecká 189/12
40004 Trmice


Tel: +420 602 419 588


Opening hours

Středa: 13:00 - 16:30 (prohlídky začínají from 13:00 to 15:00)

Next: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30 (prohlídky začínají from 10:00, 13:00 and 15:00)

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Dospělí 40,-, deti 20,- CZK

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Členitá jedno až dvoupatrová budova s hranolovou věží s cimbuřím, s balcony a předloženým schodištěm v rozlehlém anglickém parku. V sále v přízemí zachováno 6 vedut od Aloise Bubáka z roku 1863, v místnosti krb, v sálech v patře kazetové stropy.



Slouží jako veřejně přístupné reprezentační kulturní centrum. Je zde zřízena obřadní a koncertní síň, městská knihovna, v několika sálech je instalována stálá expozice z historie regionálního průmyslu a expozice modelové železnice .

Kastelan: Jan Souček

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autobusová zastávka mhd directions_railway directions_bus

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)