Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Model 36 Light Fortifications Museum

Dating from 1936, this restored bunker is part of the system of fortifications built in Czechoslovakia between 1935 and 1938. It represents the type known as "light fortifications", of which the most common were the so-called Models 36 and 37. Depending on their type and execution, they were designed to be manned by two to seven men. They had one or, more commonly, two main embrasures and could withstand bombardment with 7.5 to 15 calibre artillery shells. They were equipped with light or heavy machine guns and small arms weapons. This museum has been managed by the Trmice Military History Association since 2005. The displays include machine guns and other Czech army weapons.


Hostovická 2420
400 01 Ústí nad Labem


Tel: +420 777 042 031



Opening hours

see Internet for exact dates - Visits by groups and school classes are possible by previous arrangement.


Admission free of charge


guided tours

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