Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Museum about Dresden-Neustadt-District

The legendary "Bunte Republik Neustadt" ("Colourful Republic of Neustadt") was proclaimed in the Neustadt district of Dresden in 1990. Having deteriorated significantly under the German Democratic Republican regime, the Neustadt offered a lot of scope for creativity and neighbourly cooperation. Yet the threat of absorption by the "West" and the associated sense of uncertainty dominated this period. The residents reacted by founding the republic. To this day, the BRN is celebrated annually on the third weekend in June. With the aid of original posters, photos, and film and sound recordings, the BRN Museum revisits the highly eventful history of the district and its celebration, thus acquainting visitors and tourists with the Neustadt in all its facets.


Prießnitzstraße 18
01099 Dresden


Tel: +49 (0)351 / 8 01 19 48



Opening hours

Every first Sunday of the month from 11 am to 5 pm and by arrangement


2 Euros Admission free for children and teens under 17


guided toursspecial exhibitions

Guided tour in English on request

Guided tour in English on request

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