The Erich Kästner Museum successfully implements a novel concept: the "mobile interactive micromuseum". It is at one and the same time a work of architecture, a work of art and a utilitarian object and which reflects the multi-faceted personality and work of that world-renowned author, cabaret artist, journalist and man of many other media. With this "walk-in treasure chest", the architect and originator of the concept Ruairí O'Brien designed, in 1999, a house within a house which combines tradition and modernity and brings together museum content directly accessible to the senses and new media technology. Visitors of every generation and culture can explore Kästner's world playfully and independently.
Erich Kästner Museum
Antonstraße 1
01097 Dresden
Opening hours
SSun/Mon/Thu/Fri 10 am to 5 pm,
Wed 12.30 to 5 pm, Wed 9 am to
12.30 pm booked groups or by previous arrangement, Sat closed
Adults €5.00, reduced €3.00, family ticket €12.00, groups €6.00 per person, school classes €2.00 per person
shopspecial exhibitions
Cabinet exhibition "Von Vielfalt und Neuer Sachlichkeit" ("From Diversity and New Objectivity"), literature café, workshops, literary-musical programmes, cultural events
Introduction to Erich Kästner and the museum concept, group guided tours, thematic guided tours for school classes of school years 3 to 13
Guided tours in English, French and Arabic Exhibition texts in Czech, Polish, Russian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
handicapped accessible in all areas