Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Reichstädt manor

Former manor, today in private ownership

The Reichstädt manor was already mentioned in 1535 and changed hands several times over the next two centuries. Since 1717 it was owned by the von Schönberg family. In 1945 they were expropriated and the estate was used in the GDR as a school, kindergarten, day nursery, cultural centre and district pioneer house. After 1989, the castle first had cultural functions and was still inhabited by a few tenants, but then stood empty for a long time. In 1998 it was finally purchased by Dr. Ilse v. Schönberg, a relative of the last owner. Since then it has been under renovation and is used as a hotel and for events and celebrations.

The lady of the castle offers weekly guided tours of the building.


Am Schloss 1
01744 Dippoldiswalde


Tel: +49 3504 619332




Guided tour of the castle (about 40 minutes): every Sunday, 15:00

In the months November to March guided tours only on request by telephone or email.


Guided tour: 4 Euro
Children free.

The park is freely accessible.


rooms for celebration, hotel, castle park

Next door there is the art gallery Lilith.


The castle is about 300 m walking distance from the nearest bus stop "Reichstädt Schule" directions_railway directions_bus.

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